Chapter 43 Amillia

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Arica walked up to me. I had heard about Matimba from my father's words. she handed me a small slip of paper. It looked like it contained a bunch of notes on it.

"These were Matimba's notes for her speech. She wanted you to say them for her, Amillia," Arica said.

I read it over. My heart felt heavy in my chest. Everything was almost ready. I was terrified. How did things go so quickly?

"Okay, is everything ready, Arica?" I asked.

"Everything down to the smallest lily petal," she replied.

"Then, come on. The funeral is about to begin," I took my sister's hand and began to walk out and down the aisle.

Everyone was placed in perfect placement. May's parents were sitting at the front. I looked at the other tables. Max was sitting alone. I would sit with him when it was Kimberly's turn to talk. I held tightly to Arica's hand. She looked at me and nodded. I knew I would have to let go eventually.

"It's time," Arica said.

"I know," I replied letting go of her hand.

She went and sat down next to Matimba. I could see Matimba's face was covered in tears. This was going to be one of the toughest things I would have ever done. I stood up straight.

"You all know why we have gathered here. Everything that has happened has led to this point. To many of us we have lost a dear friend, a daughter or even a sister. May was so brave, so strong. She saved lives. She was there for everyone," May's mom stood up.

Chase hugged her and sat her back down next to him. I realized I was crying too. I cleared my throat before I continued.

"I know that if it wasn't for May, Arica would have never found me at the beginning of this mess," I turned to the casket, "May, I know a lot of us would give almost anything to hear your voice one more time, and for that, I am truly thankful," I turned back to the crowd, "May will live on in all of our hearts. We may never forget her courage and her skills. May will be greatly missed," the crowd applauded.

I watched as May's mom collapsed into Chase's embrace. Kimberly stood up and plodded to the podium. As she passed me, I took her hand in mine.

"Good luck, mom," I said releasing her hand.

My mom stood at the podium. I wasn't sure which part of May's death she would share, but I could see pure anger in Olivia's eyes. I think she still believed that it was my mom's fault that May was shot. My mom cleared her throat.

"Thank you, Amillia, for that wonderful speech. I don't know if I can come close to the touching words that you have given us today. May and I were really close. She came to me whenever she needed an unbiased opinion. I was there when she died. She couldn't stop apologizing for not finding the cure before she passed," my mom was crying so hard . 

You could tell she was leaning against the podium to distribute her weight. The audience applauded. My mom looked back at May's casket and looked back at the crowd. We had arranged for us to bury her at the library, where she first was involved in this mess. Everyone stood up, and we carried the casket to the library across town. The FBI shot every zombie gorillas along the way. They wouldn't bother us while we were burying her.

We lowered the casket into the ground. Olivia and Chase were on their knees crying. I don't think anyone could hear the gunshots that sounded off all around us. When the casket was in the ground, each of us took a turn putting a shovel full of dirt in the hole. When that was finished and the casket was buried, we placed her headstone and headed for the safe house again. She was gone, and there was no bringing her back. Not now, not ever.

Apocalypse (The second book of the Trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora