Chapter 31 Tiana

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Dereck and I have been happily living our lives away from the apocalypse and avoiding all of the drama in the house as best as possible, but sadly we were bored. We needed something to do. All the jobs have been taken, and we don't have anything to do better than to take care of our newborn baby Aiden. I know it is dangerous to have small children during the apocalypse but life has to go on, apocalypse or not. Chase and Olivia's girl Emma is sad to see little Aiden leave, He is six months now, and I am all healed up and ready to leave.

I was currently walking to Olivia and Emma to see if they could watch Aiden while I go to practice shooting. Derek was out getting supplies, guns, knives, food, and baby supplies.

"Tiana!" Olivia said opening the door to her room.

"Aiden!" Emma yelled peeking through the door

"What can we do for you?" Olivia smiled warmly.

"I was wondering if you could help me by watching Aiden while I go practice my aim," I replied setting Aiden down in Olivia's arms.

It was more of up due to my short height, but let's not discuss that.

"Oh, Hon! We would be more than happy to!" she said side hugging me and wishing me luck.

I walked to our backyard where a white picket fence outlined our borders. There was enough of a shortness to the fence that I could easily shoot over the fence at passing gorillas. Derek came back sooner than expected.

"Hey," he said walking up behind me and hugging me.

"Hey," I smiled.

"I'm back early because I have some things I need to talk to you about," Derek broke his embrace, and I turned around.

"I think we need to move East," Derek took my hands in his.

"I don't understand," I said.

"Aiden needs to be in a safe environment. People out East also need to be warned about the coming storm. Tiana, I want what's best for my family," Derek looked into my eyes.

I saw the look in his eyes. He gave me the same look when we married quickly at the beginning of this mess.

"What about Kimberly?" I asked Derek.

"We helped her find her family. It's time we appreciated ours," he said.

"Okay," I saidwith tears in my eyes as I hugged him close, never wanting to let go. We would move East where it would be safe.

"I already secured a ship to sail us to England. We should pack soon," Derek broke our hug, "Practice is over."

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