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    Jean: Our story starts in a small town. Yes we have the typical mean girls and the stereotypes of an average story. Our story is not like everyone else's though.We have been through something different, each of us. Even if you have a past that you refuse to tell anyone because it is so broken...

     Luna: try your hardest not to let anyone else in because you are trying to forget it yourself. That doesn't make you weak; You may feel weak but if you are to keep going when the past keeps haunting you, that shows how strong you truly are; Just know, even if you come from a broken home...

   Redelle: ...that doesn't mean you can't be loved. That doesn't mean you can't find a family. It will always hurt, even when the outside has healed; And after the scars begin to fade and the bruises have gone away you will still feel the pain inside. You will always be afraid but one day, when the family you were meant to have finds you, your heart and mind's remaining cuts will finally begin to heal; Even if you have been bullied by other girls and their words and actions continue to break you...

   Cerise: ...that doesn't mean you are what they say. Just because they try to hurt you doesn't mean you aren't able to be safe. It doesn't mean you are worthless. You will still be great. "A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation out of the bricks others have thrown at her." Being called these things hurts, especially when you are used by guys...

   Jean: ...and you feel like you will never have a real relationship. It doesn't mean you sleep around. This doesn't mean you can't find someone. You can't sit around and wait for a man. "Time waits for no man and neither does a woman"; When you find the one, he will hold your heart as if it were made of glass, he won't fiddle with it. He will only lie to you to keep you safe, never to keep you from seeing who he is or his actions. And when you look your worst or you don't like you, he will grab your face gently between his fingers, look you in the eye, and tell you to shut the hell up because you are beautiful before kissing you; Keep fighting for what you are and remember...

   Luna: ...the people who go through hell everyday are the ones you have to look out for. We have looked the devil in the eyes and laughed at his ridiculous attempt to scare us.

     Redelle: So here we are saying screw you to our past. Laughing at the devil.

  Cerise: Here we are still walking through fire. Our feet hurt like a bitch but we don't stop.

Jean: This is how we do it, with A Middle Finger To The Sky.

Jean Angelina Xavie Age: 17 is portrayed by Kristen Stewart

Luna Ivy Venus Age 17 is portrayed by Avril Lavigne

Redelle Em Jackson Age 16 is portrayed by Lily Collins

Cerise Scarlett Rufina Age 16 is portrayed by Katherine Mcnamera

      ££££Author's note££££
The sayings in " & " are actually sayings but the ones between ; and ; are just made up

Sincerely, A Middle Finger To The Sky 💋Where stories live. Discover now