The Blonde Chick

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This is 11 yrs. earlier when Luna was 6.... WARNING ⚠️: Scenes of abuse

I heard a glass break and shouting. Being curious I followed the noise into the kitchen. The voices were familiar as they belonged to my parents.

They had gotten married when my mom was 17 and pregnant with me. They always fought but this one seemed to be really bad. The yelling was louder as I walked closer to the kitchen in our apartment.

As I rounded the corner I heard a smacking sound. When I peaked at the scene my mom was on the floor, bleeding from her lip.

"Mommy," my six year old self cried stupidly. I went out to go help her but my dad grabbed her up.

"Go to your room!!" My dad yelled at me. I didn't know what to do and I stood there as my mom sobbed. She looked up at me and then down at the floor

"Go baby," she whispered through her tears. Still I stood there.

"Leave her alone!" I yelled, my voice meek and shaky. "You better watch it!" My dad yelled back. "Leave mommy alone you are hurting her." My heart was pounding but being the stupid little kid I was I tried to help my mom.

He threw her down. He walked over to me and grabbed me by my arm. He smelled like beer and his grip was so tight my skin bruised. Grabbing my shoulders and looking me in the eyes I saw nothing but fury.

"When you are told to do something do it! You need to listen to me! Do you understand!!?!" He screamed at me as he shook my body and I started crying.

"Daddy please stop! Daddy please... daddy you're hurting me!" His face softened a little and he let me go. He walked out of the apartment and slammed the door. I dropped to the floor.

As tears streamed down my face I crawled over to my mom. She just laid there sobbing. I didn't-know what to do. I wanted to comfort her.

"You should have just gone to your room..." she said with a sob.

That was the first time I saw my dad hit my mom.

1 year later:

It was one year and three months later. My birthday. My dad still lashed out at her whenever he would drink. He has only hurt me two or three times since then.

Lately though, things haven't been so bad. He hasn't done anything to hurt her or me in almost a month.

My mom was cutting the cake and laughing with her sister. My dad cracked open a beer and walked over to my mom. He grabbed her and pulled her back by her waist. My aunt had walked away.

"Please stop I'm trying to do something." He set his beer down angrily. "How many have you had?" She asked him. He was pissed at the question.

"I had 6, not that it's your damn business." She looked over at me and quickly snapped her eyes back.

"You said you wouldn't have any, it's Luna's birthday." "So what? She won't know the difference." He pushed my mom back from him, grabbed the beer and walked off.

After the party my mom was cleaning up and everyone had gone home. My dad came in the kitchen. He was obviously past sobriety. He grabbed my mom's waist and pulled her against his as I was playing with my new doll in the living room.

"Come here," he said as he grabbed her. She turned and kissed him. She tried to pull away and he grabbed her tighter. She pushed him back.

"I have to get this house cleaned up," she said nervously. "It can wait..." my dad grabbed her back.

Sincerely, A Middle Finger To The Sky 💋Where stories live. Discover now