An Antimony Black Heart

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   Author's Note: Antimony is a medal on the periodic table that has helped with the making of bullets and armor for soldiers. By saying someone has an antimony heart I am saying that they have put something over their heart to protect themselves.


    "Just thinking." He said, again looking away. I got slightly angry because I wanted, needed to know what he was thinking. He inhaled more of his cigarette before putting it out.

     "What were you thinking?" He just smiled. I blew out more smoke while putting mine out as well. I watched as the sparks rolled around and caught him looking at me through the corner of my eye. I looked up at him and he took a step closer. I put my lips to his lightly to try and mess with him. He pulled me closer eagerly kissing me and before I realized it I was kissing him back.

    I pushed him against the wall, pushing myself against him before pulling away. He looked at me confused and I leaned forward. He tried to kiss me again but I turned towards his ear. 

   "I never caught your name?" I whispered. "Christian Dylan." he said quickly, kissing me again. I pulled back, smiled, and turned, walking towards the house. He put his head against the wall. I was kind of disappointed that I hadn't got to him. 

    "Hey! I didn't get your name," he called after me. I smiled before calling back, "So?" I heard him smirk before calling, "How will I know who you are or how to find you?" I reached the door, opening it. "Figure it out," I turned and looked at him, "Christian Dylan." I walked in and closed the door. 

    I grabbed Whiskey and took her to bed. She jumped in bed as I got into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I went into my bag and grabbed a makeup wipe. I quickly cleaned the shit off my face before turning on the T.V. I jumped in bed with the remote and scrolled until I found S.V.U. I watched an episode and fell asleep.


    Whiskey woke me up to go out. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. Four in the fucking morning. I grabbed her leash and a hoodie and decided to take her for a walk. As we walked down the stairs a handful of people were passed out in various places and I didn't know where Cerise, Redelle, or Luna were. I closed the door as quietly as possible. 

     As I walked by the side of the house and the two cigarette butts were laying there the events of last night quickly ran through my head. I kept walking by this black 1972 Dodge Challenger. I had to stop and look at it because she was gorgeous and I had a thing for cars. 

    I was looking in at the interior when I realized someone was in the car. He turned towards me and I was embarrassed until I realize he was sleeping. From what I could see he was cute but I started to walk backwards to admire the entire care when I tripped into a stupid blowup pool.

    I let out a loud "Son-of-a-b..." and Whiskey started barking. "Shh-shh-shh" I tried to calm her down. It was too late because I heard the car door shut. I stood up and grabbed Whiskey and got her to stop barking before looking behind me towards the car.

   "Christian?" If I thought I was embarrassed before I had no idea. "I'm sorry I woke you up..." I ran back to the house to get in and it was locked. Shit. I tried the window and it was also locked. I knocked and nothing. 

   "Why don't you just come sit in the car with me." Shit. I turned around. I walked closer to him trying to think of any excuse not to but I couldn't come up with one until I was a few feet away. I told him that I didn't want Whiskey to get hair all over his seats. 

  "I have a seat cover in the back that I can just wash." "My clothes are wet and your seats are leather." He smiled before opening the trunk. "I went swimming yesterday, I have an extra towel." I had no other reason not to get in. "Fine." I opened the door and put the towel on the seat. I pushed the seat forwards and Whiskey jumped in. I pushed it back and did the same. 

   "So what are you doing up so early?" "My dog had to go to the bathroom and I left my keys upstairs that's why I'm locked out and if it wasn't for your Challenger being so gorgeous I wouldn't have tripped into the pool looking at it." I said angrily. 

   "You know your cars... and you're mad at me for having a nice car?" "Yes, if I wasn't distracted by it then I wouldn't of tripped," I replied.  "Hey it's your own fault for not paying attention." I turned and looked out the window. "What are you still doing here anyways? Why did you sleep in your car?" I asked still not looking. He replied sarcastically, "Figure it out." I turned and looked at him.

    "You slept out here because you didn't know my name? That's what I'm supposed to believe?" I asked with an equally sarcastic tone. "Yeah because that's why I stayed." I raised an eyebrow at him. He grabbed my face and kissed me and I started to kiss him back but pulled away. He looked confused.

   "You are so goddamn complicated. You kiss me then push me away. That's not right." He was angry because I rejected him. "If I didn't push you away first then you would push me away and I don't feel like going through that shit again." His face softened. "How do you know I'm like that?" "You're a guy and a good looking one too," I replied quickly. Suddenly the car was moving. 

    "What are you doing?" I asked. "Going somewhere." He continued driving and I kept watching him. "Stop staring." He said. I ignored him. He looked at me and I finally looked away. He turned on the radio and we drove for twenty minutes. He turned onto a dirt rode and we drove for five more minutes, turning every now and again. We finally came to a stop.

    "Come on." I don't know why but I did. We walked through the trees, the green moss beautifully wrapped around them. Soon the trees cleared out to an opening and there was one rocky part by the water mostly hidden by surrounding trees. The area was gorgeous and peaceful. 

    "I know this sounds weird but you are the only person I've brought up here. I feel like there is something different about you but I can't put my finger on it and I can tell you have been hurt so many times before but I want to show you that not everyone is like that." I didn't want to believe him but I couldn't help  it.

   He walked closer to me and with every step he took my heart pounded a little faster. Soon he was right in front of me but it felt as if it took ages for him to get there. I stepped back, knowing that he would be like every other person but he grabbed my wrists and pulled me back towards him. I was looking down but he pushed my face up under my chin so I was making eye contact. 

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