Bullied {3}

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It has been a few months since I told the team. I haven't actually been in the gymnasium since.

First of all, Im too embarrassed to go back, and, thanks to some new transfer students from my old school, I'm apparently too preoccupied with getting bullied.

A lot.

These kids used to bully a friend of mine at my old school, and when I stood up to her they started bullying me too. They found it fun (and apparently still do!) to use me as a stepping stool. I would ask for help, but there is no way I can face the team, which are my only friends... I don't want my parents to worry either, and I'm pretty sure teachers would just make it worse...

So I just deal with it.

It's like daily routine.

I come to school. Give them any money I have on me (which is usually none) as soon as they come into contact with me. Go to class. Get humiliated. Have lunch break. Have them take my lunch. Get chased and beaten up. Get back to class starving. Get more humiliated. Get out of school. And get beaten up some more until they ripped up any work I had done in class.
I go home. Try to avoid my family, if we come in contact I tell them some lies. Go on my phone and see yet more bullying.

Ain't it a wonderful routine?? I fucking love it. So much. It's fantastic.

Its horrible, but I guess I deserve it. Like karma I suppose...

I deserve it for betraying by team mates.

My friends.

"Come here you little bitch! We fancy doing some stuff we learned in gym class on you. Just give up! Let's see how the useless rag doll holds up this time?!" Ive been running for like five minutes now, sore from yesterday's beating too. I stop for a split second to try and readjust myself and catch my breath.

I suddenly feel pain surging through my back and head. Oh dear... I'm getting pinned again aren't I??

A blow to the head, stomach, rib, head, shins. Im on the floor, crying and bleeding. Coughing up blood. The usual. Actually, the coughing up blood thing was kind of unusual, but my brain has learned this cool thing where when it comes to the beating, it sort of switches off and drifts out of my body and watches from above. It's like I'm seeing myself getting beaten to a pulp which is really weird. It helps since I'm basically numb, but its like I'm seeing myself almost d i e so I don't know hOw good that is.

"Why don't you tell us if our blows hurt more, or if those cuts on yer wrists take the jackpot when we come back. Kay?" They said, finally smashing my head against the wall and leaving.

Sure thing buckaroo. I ain't moving from here. And actually, your blows do hurt more. The cuts on my wrists are more relieving than anything else. They're scary as shit and still hurt a fuck ton, and don't recommend them... but to deal with all this shitfest happening in my mind, it sort of serves as a mini escape.

I haven't done it in a couple of weeks though. I've been mindful not to make a regular thing of it. I know that can be a bad thing. In fact I know that doing it in the first place iS a bad thing, coz people always freak out if they find out and make a huge deal out of it. Either way, there's small black dots blocking my vision and I'm back in my body now—I feel myself getting faint and I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing...

"Hinata!!" Who's voice is that?

"Oh my god hinata are you ok?" Sounds like Kags.

"Hinata answer me!" Yup definitely Kags.

"Guys come over here!" But Im too done with everything and weak to react... even if I will regret not trying to come out of unconsciousness.

I'm well aware that Kageyama and some of the team are surrounding me, but at the same time I'm not. It's weird. I just want to be done with this...

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