How It All Ended

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I took a taxi to the company, since I didn't want to have my curiosity take all over me causing our relationship to break its bond.

I didn't know whether i believed her or not, but it was just something that i couldn't imagine.

Jung soo cheating on me. Impossible.

We have only dated for a year, how can he ever get bored of me? I mean im a fun type , I have a lot of friends and I was popular at my school, plus , a visual. How can he...?

I kept imagining all the things that could happen if her words were true, and the happy things that would happen if she lied.

I imagined him telling me that I was a useless
Piece of crap and that I never loved him, and that he hated me now. I also imagined our future, and other stuff I wasn't at all sure would even happen.
Suddenly, I felt a hand tap on my back.

"Good morning?" My coworker woke me up.

I slept on my desk papers.

"Oh my, did i really sleep?..."

"Yeh..and you kinda looked cute, but our boss wouldn't take it that way so you better get up and finish your work.."He gave me some papers and asked me to make copies of them.

Enough daydreaming, time to focus on what is real, you can talk to him later, now focus.

I had gotten into hard work mode, and I lost the track of time.

It was time to go home.

I finished my work, and tided my desk ,then i head out of the company.

"Hey..." A soft familiar voice says from behind me.
I look back to see a jet-black haired man , with broad shoulders behind me[and no he is not Kim Seokjin in DNA lmao] He was Jung soo.

"Bae..." I say as i head to him with my arms open to hug him.But he pushes me away softly.

"Don't call me that."

I was shocked. I lost words, I didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, the last words that girl told me popped in my head.


"Well, he said he was gonna break up with you soon..." Said the girl on the other end.

No way....

"I know he won't he loves me." I answered her assuring myself that everything is gonna be okay, when it won't.

"He never did."

I have lost my trust in everyone at that moment.
"He had to date you only because he left me in Japan, he didn't want to be alone , plus when he saw that people respected you and adored you, he said that it would be better for him to date you so all that love would come to him too, but as soon as you both moved into the US , you weren't so loved by everyone, so he had to break up and come back to me in Japan .im sorry dear, but the good news is, we are already engaged so you have no chance."

[End of call]

"Did you ever love me?...."I finally let out all the pain in me , through a few words.

"I did.But not anymore."He replied with not a bit of regret or hesitancy.

"Are you cheating on me?I know you are, you can't just hate me all of a sudden."I lose it and start crying in front of him.

"You are pathetic, and we are over."He says and leaves.

I fall to the ground, wishing that i was never born, asking myself why is my life so hard.

First, I got bullied due to racism in first and second grade.

Second, My grandpa passed away.

Third,My parents left me.

Fourth,I lived in a farm with grandma and barely got education.

Fifth,I had put all my effort into the interview and all I got was this lame job with less payment.

Sixth,My boyfriend hates me.

I started to run, anywhere, nowhere that I know of, I just ran , waiting for myself to get hit by a car or to get stabbed by a criminal so I can end this horrid life, my legs ran and ran and stopped at a park.A place where I have never seen before.


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