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Dear Chims,
(Is that what you readers want to be called?Tell me )

Hello, this is Chimchichu, your tearrible author

I just wanted to say that I MIGHT not upload a new chapter today, and I said might which is a very low chance, so don't worry that much.

It is just I'm not feeling well at the moment, I just feel really sad for almost no reason, I searched it uo and it said it might be because of a memory of something sad that happened before or so, and I guess it might be it.

Also, I'm not getting many ideas for the next chapter, BUT SOMEHOW I HAVE AN ENTIRE LIST OF IDEAS PREPARED FOR MY NEXT BOOK, WHICH IS IN THE 'Beautiful Eyes' Series.

So I thought of giving you a small preview of it , if I DID write it.

The book will be a Jimin version.
It will start off kind of sad, but hwaiten the ending of it.(will depend on this book's ending)

The main character won't be Ji Yeon, I mean, she will be there but not as main character.

(Im thinking of making Yoonji the main character or do I just let Jimin be the girl?I mean look at him)

(Im thinking of making Yoonji the main character or do I just let Jimin be the girl?I mean look at him)

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(Them thighs tho)

Anyways, I can't tell more about it until I have finished this book.

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