• real life •

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                  October 14 2016

The night of the Leafs fundraiser.

The lady leafs and Ella hustled to get everything ready before everyone came.

"Mission success!!" Sydney said as they finished getting everything set up.

The gates opened and loads of people walked in.

There were games, food, and most importantly the scary boat ride.

"Hey Ella!!" Auston, William and Mitch came up to her.

"Hey boys, cookie?" Ella offered them.

"Hell yeah!" They all said grabbing a cookie from the tray.

"Nice job" William said as they looked around.

"Thanks but give credit to Sydney" Ella said.

"Girlfriend!" Weslyn and Savanna said to Ella as they gave her a hug.

"Ladies" Auston said and specifically stared at Savanna.

Savanna returned a wink as Auston just bit his lip.

"Well let's go on the ride!" William said as everyone left leaving Ella by herself.

"Babe!!" Ella turned around to see Jacob and his sister standing there.

"Hey guys!!" Ella said giving both of them a hug.

"I missed you" Jacob said.

"Me too" Ella said giving him a kiss.

"Can we go on the ride?" Jacob's sister begged.

"Sophie not now" Jacob mumbled.

"Please!" Sophie asked as she kept on tugging Jacob's jacket.

"Go" Ella told him as he smiled and lead his sister to the ride.

"Hey Ella we're going on the ride, want to come with us?" Sydney asked.

"Naw i'll go on the next one" Ella said as Sydney and the other lady leafs went on the boat.

Ella wanted a boat to herself, it's been a while since she has had some alone time.

"Just me sir" Ella told the guy that drives the boats.

"WAIT!!" Ella turns and sees Mitch running towards her boat and taking a seat.

"Mitch?" Ella said as the boat started to move.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you go with the gang?" Ella asked the clumsy boy.

"Yeah I kinda missed it" Mitch said.

Mitch went to use the restroom and when he came back they were gone.

"Apparently this is also the last boat ride of the night so might as well hop in" Mitch commented.

"So whats up with you?" Ella asked Mitch, she might as well make a conversation.

"Well Auston is giving me a headache every minute of everyday" Mitch said.

"Why is that?" Ella asked.

"Well he keeps asking me on how to ask a girl out" Mitch said.

"Is he talking about Savanna?" Ella looked right into Mitch's blue eyes as he nodded.

Ella squealed as Mitch covered his ear.

"Finally!" Ella said eventually calming down.

"Yeah so if you see him acting weird that's why" Mitch said.

"Oh I want to tell you about this new book i'm reading" Ella brought up.

At this point the boat was going through the scary tunnel.

Ella was afraid of scary things in general.

The tunnel was dark.

Ella closed her eyes and waited for this ride to be over.

"BOO!!" Someone said scaring Ella.

She buried her face on Mitch's shoulders.

Ella looked forward and saw a huge spider.

Ella screamed and continued to use Mitch as her shield.

Ella was afraid of spiders, she started to cry.

"Shush it's going to be okay" Mitch comforted her.

He wrapped his arm around he red haired girl, giving her a kiss on her head.

Ella felt comfortable and safe in Mitch's arm which was weird to her.

They got out of the tunnel.

Ella looked up at Mitch as he did the same.

They smiled at each other before immediately separating.

They both felt something at that exact moment but didn't know what it was.

"That was fun" Mitch said as he helped Ella off the boat.

"It really was" Ella awkwardly says as her and Mitch continue to walk towards the gang.

"Ella!" Ella could hear Jacob yell out.

Ella left Mitch and went to Jacob.

"How was it?" Ella asked her boyfriend.

"It was amazing" Sophie said.

"Thanks glad you enjoyed it" Ella said as Sydney and Lucy approached her.

"Hey Ella" Sydney greeted her.

"Oh hi Sydney and Lucy!" Ella said.

"Oh I want you guys to meet my boyfriend Jacob and his little sister Sophie" Ella introduced the girls to her boyfriend and his little sister.

Sydney and Lucy started a conversation with Sophie as she complimented them on the whole event.

Ella glanced over at Mitch and noticed him staring at her as he stands with Auston and William.

Mitch sends a smile as Ella smiles back.

Jacob looks at Ella and notices she was looking at something.

Jacob looks and sees that she is looking at Mitch.

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