XIX. Wrong Shot

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Holy Snokes it feels like years since I last updated. I'm so sorry. I've just had no motivation to finish even though we're closing in on the end.

New term: (woman/man) = I don't think this needs a description. This is based off sex, though, not gender. Sorry about that.:/ Please let me know if you can think of a way to address all genders so I can use it as a gender thing instead.

I still don't own a single thing.
From what you've heard, the city of Jiara had a mix of traditional and modern culture. Streets shops lined the sides of the roads, which were so thin it wasn't worth trying to ride a speeder through. Walking was the only way you could move through the bustling people.

But while the layout of the town remained traditional, technology flourished around the area. Literally. The town was encircled by a giant ship factory, which produced some of the most modern ships in the galaxy. You wonder why the Empire hasn't gotten their hands on this place yet.

Speaking of Empire, Len went through rigmarole to remove the exterior Empire from your group. Apparently the Empire isn't well received around this area. Orson is wearing some regular Coruscanti citizen clothing, which don't really fit him because they're women's, not men's. Still, he managed to get into them and not complain. The Death Troopers have their armor underclothing on, which could pass off as regular clothing. Each were allowed to keep their smaller pistol, but avoid using it except in the most extreme conditions. Your officer clothes were fine as soon as Len removes the pins and gave you a pendant that marks your new authority. You now looked like a business (woman/man).

Two large gates mark the entrance to Jiara. A tiny droid stands before them, scanning IDs. Your group reaches the droid, who holds out his little hands. Len gives the robot her ID. "I have some friends and family visiting today. Is it alright if they come in with me?"

"And who are they?" The droid asks, peeking around Len.

Len points to Near, then Orson, then Ryuzaki and Matsuda, and finally you and Mello. "That's my brother, this is my uncle, these two are my cousins, and those two are my friends."

The droid nods. He takes a scan of you group before admitting you all in. "Enjoy your day in Jiara," the droid says.

"Thank you!" Matsuda responds. As soon as your group is out of the droid's hearing range, Matsuda sighs. "That was close!" Orson shoots her a glare and she falls silent.

"Shh," Ryuzaki muttered. "We're not out of the deep yet. Don't jinx it."

Matsuda looks as though she has a question on her mind but doesn't say a single thing. She whispers something to Mello, who responds "A jinx is something or someone that brings bad luck."

As the Death Troopers talk, Len leads the group to the center of the town, where a ship auction is flourishing. Aliens of all forms are there bidding for some of the highest class ships you have ever seen. Even Orson is impressed. How come the Empire never got their hands on this kind of technology? Why, the war would have already been won with the Rebellion.

Orson leans down and whispered into your ear. "Bid high, (Name). Pick which we one you think will be the most beneficial now and in the future. The Empire will cover the expenses."

The better question was which ship to bet on? They all looked gorgeous and futuristic. The technology almost spoke to you, begging for your mathematical mind to dig through its program and take it apart until you knew how to rebuild it by memory. Any of them could be a benefit to the Empire. Yet you kept yourself from speaking, hoping one of them would stand out more than the others.

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