Chapter Eleven- Eli

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My head ached from crying and my eyes felt swollen. All I wanted was to protect her and now she was out alone. She was right about not trusting me, no one should, but for some reason I felt I could trust her. My mind flicked back to the moment where I yelled at her. I felt in that moment like I should've kissed her, but why? I was so angry and yet I felt so weak around her.

Slowly I pushed myself off of the floor and stood up. She was probably long gone, but I had to try. I remembered the anger I felt when I saw the blood on her arm. Her green hair covered her beautiful eyes and her entire body shook from the pain. My blood boiled and I instantly looked to her attacker.

Joesph, his name was Joseph. He was one of the worst of us. He would kill her without a second thought, because she wouldn't be his first and most certainly not his last.

"Get away from her!" When I growled at him his eyes shone. He knew what I was doing here. He knew I wanted to be better. Joseph's arm moved just an inch and Tamara cried out. Rage pumped through my blood. Without a second thought I ripped the knife from her arm and turned it on Joseph. Even if he was worse than most I fought better. The feeling of pushing the knife through his arm. It was like a drug, it has always felt like that, but I couldn't give in. Pushing him down I left him on the sidewalk, if he was smart, he'd leave.

Tamara's skin was soft as I picked her up. I saw her lips move into almost a smile. Slowly I carried her into the motel room, ignoring the blood dripping off of her and onto me. After all it wasn't my first experience with blood. Laying her gently on the bed, I took a closer look at her arm. Even with blood pouring out I knew that the cut wasn't as bad as it seemed.I had learned over the years how to tell, and I knew that she'd be okay. After wrapping the arm in bandage I sat back in the corner. Despite the anger I felt for Tamara, I couldn't deny that she looked cute in her sleep. Her face lost all of her fear and stress. She looked almost like she did before.

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