Fade From Red (Aphmau Pt. 2)

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Part 2 of the aphmau short story.... Yep not much explaining to do there....... Enjoy!                            



(Your P.O.V)

Him..... the one that I spent countless nights letting Aphmau cry her little heart out over.  I really don't like Arron. I never had and I don't think i will now. 

Aph " I can't believe you're really hear. Are you back for good?" She says while breaking our hug

y/n "Yep. I'll never leave you again" I see Aph blush when I say that.... Still adorabl-- WAIT NO I CAN'T.... 

My thoughts are interrupted by the strong gaze of Arron. 

Aph "Oh yeah i forgot to tell you but... This is my boyfriend Arron"

The words i never wanted to hear. I feel like my heart just shatter. My eye went blank. I think the guys realized it to and started getting everyone out of the house. I just stood and watched as Aphmau walked out of the house with her hand in Arron's.

(After everyone is gone)

y/n "So when did that happen....

Travis "Only a few weeks ago. but i can see that doesn't change this for you."    

y/n "Yeah! Seeing the girl you've been in love with for years with another guy totally makes me feel good about coming back hear!" I yelled sarcastically. 

All the guys are speechless about how i yelled at Travis. I feel bad though. 

y/n "Oh crap! I'm so sorry Travis I didn't mean to yell at you."

Travis "It ok everyone has there out bursts from time to time. It's no problem at all." He says and hugs me to try and calm me down. I don't know what I'd do without them. 

Garroth "So....What are you gonna do? I mean about.....that?"

y/n "What can i do. She doesn't like me. She has HIM now and i don"t think she ever really had interest in me like that anyway."

Dante "DUDE ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! She had the biggest crush on you up until about a month ago. She had no idea that you where coming back so she moved on. If we would have known about his happening then it might have been different. 

y/n "Yeah you're probably right. Well it's getting pretty late so i should head home. Oh yeah do you guys have xbox's."

All "Yeah here is our names" 

y/n "Thx i'll get on when i get home lets play something."


(Aphmau's P.O.V)

I can't believe y/n is really back!!! I left before i got to tell him how i felt about him... WAIT FELT! i still feel that way. But Arron. I thought y/n was never coming back....so i moved on. Did i make the right choice. I think.... I think i need to talk to Arron.


Aph- Hey

FC- Hey.......

Aph- is something wrong Arron?

FC- yeah but is something up. you can go first. 

Aph- Arron I think we should break up.....

FC- It's him... isn't it?

Aph- .......yeah....... i'm sorry.

FC- No just.... leave me alone for i bit ok?



FC is no longer on your friends list  

No no no no no. I think i just did something really....really bad. 

(The next morning)

(Your P.O.V)

I wake to the sound of my phone going off.... it's Aph


Aph - Can we talk later. Come to my house around 3 p.m. And don't worry about 

End Text

Crap it's already 2:30!!!!! i must have stayed up all night with the guys play Xbox. Guess i'll get ready to go see Aph. I put on my favorite color shirt and some black jeans and start towards Aph's house. When I get there I am greeted by a red eyed Aphmau....she's been crying"

Wrapping her in a big hug i said "What wrong? Is everything ok?) 

Aph "no but i feel a little better already. Come in so we can talk." 

I walk into her house and up to her room blushing all the way because of what she said. She told me to make myself at home so i sat on her bed like i had done so many times in the past and we talked. She told me everything. About the break up, the way Arron reacted......... Her feelings. 

y/n "So what are you gonna do?"

Aph "I don't know....."

y/n "Well i'll be hear for you through all of it. ok?" I said wrapping her in a hug. 

Aph "Yeah....... H-Hey....... do you maybe want to go to the fair with me tomorrow? Like.... on a date?"

y/n "Yeah if you want to I'm ok with it."

Aph's face lit up so much. Like all the pain from what has been going on just dispersed. I'm glad that she's happy. So she walked me to the door and talked a bit before I left. 

Aph " Thank you..... for everything y/n."

y/n "It's no problem. I'd do anything for y--" I said before getting cut off. 

Aph "*kisses y/n's check* Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

And that's when she shut the door. I stood there shocked holding my cheek in my hand. I snap out of my trance when I heard my phone go off. CRAP I WAS SUPPOSE TO MEET THE GUYS ONLINE 10 MIN AGO!!! Guess i got to run.


And BOOM part 2 is done. I am having fun writing this and am always open to your ideas for help. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!!


(920 words)

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