The Welcome Home Party Pt. 2 (Aphmau Pt. 4)

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I know it might not seem like much but 51 reads is 51 more then i ever thought i was going to get so thank you guys so much. Hope you enjoy part 2. 



(Your P.O.V)

When I woke up I couldn't see Aph anywhere. Maybe see went ho-. That thought was interrupted by the slight movement of something under my blanket. I lifted the blanked a bit to see what it was. It was Aphmau. Cuddled against my chest sleeping like a baby. WAIT!!! Aph's in my bed. Oh I should get her out before someone comes up here. But I really don't want to. This is nice. It just seems right. She looks so cute when she's asleep. Whatever guess I'll just go back to sleep too. I hesitantly put my arms around Aph and fell asleep.  


(Time Skip) 

(Aphmau's P.O.V)((yeah!!))

When I woke up I couldn't see anything but black. Like something was covering my eye. I put my hand on it and it shuddered. I looked up and saw y/n. I forgot I got in his bed earlier. His arms are around me so I can't help but blush. It feel....right. I want him to know that. But he can't So I start wiggle out but decide not to as I get near his face. y/n looks like he's in peace right now. I take this chance to do something. I slowly started to close the distance between our lips. Then y/n quivers a bit and his eyes fly open. 


(Your P.O.V)

I quickly awaken from my sleep to see Aph inches from my face , red as a beat. 

Aph "I-I-I-It not what it looks like!!!" 

y/n "Then what where you doing Aph?"


(Aph's P.O.V) 

y/n "Then what where you doing Aph?"

That ran through my mind 100s of time. I was just try to find an excuse for what I had done. 

Aph "*sigh* Guess there is no point in lying to myself any more"


(Your P.O.V)  

y/n "Aph what are you talking ab---"

And like that our lips joined. Aphmau was kissing me... my best friend. And I liked it. I started kissing her back and then she pulled away.

Aph "y/n... I love you so much. It was so hard to watch you leave... I was heart broken. I never thought you were coming back but when you did, all my feelings for you came back."

y/n "Aph I didn't know that you felt this way about me......." 

Why am I upset this happen. I've loved her sense highschool. And now that she finally confessed to me I stand here like a fool. Aphmau's eyes start to tear up. She walks out of my room and slams the door crying. I get out of bed but by the time I get to the front door I can see the door to her house slam shut. I run back up to my room and cry. Why am I so stupid!!! I blew it! I need to talk to her.

I finally get the nerve to go over to her house. When I knock on the door Kawaii~chan answers it. 

KC "Hey y/n-kun. What are you doing here?"

y/n "I came to see Aph... Is she here?"

KC "Yeah go up stairs"

So i run up as fast as I could and throw open the door

Aph "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! I HATE YOU!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!! YOU'RE THE WOR---"her yelling interrupted by..... a kiss.

She wanted to fight it to show she wasn't to be messed with. But she slowly melted into it. After a bit we separated.

y/n "You sure you never want to see me again?" I said laughing through blush. 

Aph "You really are the worst you know that" she said cry/laughing. Man girls and emotions. 

y/n "Aph...I'm sorry. I was guess shocked ok. I've crushed on you sense highschool. When you told me how you felt I was just speechless........... Aph.... I love you."

Aph "I love you to y/n"

y/n "Now we should get back over to my house before the party starts. Race you there potato" I say while I give her a kiss on the check and run away.


y/n "YOU'RE RIGHT. YOU'RE AN ADORABLE POTATO!" I scream still running from her rage. 


Part 4 is finally done. This week was really hectic for me so I didn't have time to write until now. So I hope you enjoyed this part and be expecting a part 5 sometime next week.


(775 words)

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