Such Horrible Things (Final part)

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(Y/N) = your name
(R/N)= random name
[italicized]= guard talking

(r/n) has arrived back and heads straight to (y/n) room (CeLl) again has greeted by his/her same cheshire smile from yesterday.

Oh so you came back after all!~ ThE oThEr GuArDs NoRmAlLy QuIt but I'm glad your back to hear the rest of my story!~ Where was I.... Oh YeAh NoW lEtS cOnTiNuE~

When I was ten
I used to pretend
To drown in the sea
'Till they'd come to rescue me
Then preceed
To laugh in their face
[Ok that's messed up] I know and it was Such a disgrace and Oh, but I love the taste and the last guy who "saved" me and after I laughed in his face he told me, "I deserve to my brains displaced! All over the fireplace!"
Until this life had been erased
I am not a bad man
Even though I do bad things
Very bad things
Such Horrible Things
But it's not quite what it seems
(Not quite what he seems)
Not quite what I seem
Aw, hell
It's exactly what it seems

When I was twelve
I used to delve
Into evil schemes
Just to elicit screams
Boost my self asteem
[did anyone find out about you schemes?] yes my sister found out so I kindly asked to follow my to the well we had out back and then....Pushed my sister down a well! and when the family came to see what happen I pretend to cry and said, "She just fell!" [ok that's....nevermind] That's what I though and anyway Oh, but I love to dwell! But sadly my brother was so depressed he suddenly whispered to me, "I deserve to roast deep down in hell, Where no one can hear me yell"
When I was fourteen
[what happen then?]
Nothing much happened
Well, there was that one time
I am not a bad man
Even though I do bad things
Very bad things
Such Horrible Things
But it's not quite what it seems
(Not quite what he seems)
Not quite what I seem
Aw, hell
It's exactly what it seems

[what happened about your brothers depression?] Hmm well YoU sEe
When I was sixteen
Life was frightening
[What do you mean?] well My brother was quite dull. So with laughter in my skull...[oh no what did you do!?]
Pushed him in a hole
Then buried him alive
He barely survived
[did your parents find out then?] yes and they saved him I wAs So ClOsE!
Oh, but I love the cries! after they turn to me and said before sending me here, "I deserve to be battered and fried! In an electric chair set on high!"

NoW tHaT i'M eIgHtEeN
I sTiLl HaTe ThInGs
FrOm ThIs PaDdEd CeLl I cAlL mY hOmE
No FrIeNdS, nO pHoNe
No LiFe To CaLl My OwN
hErE i WiLl LiE
uNtIl tHe VeRy DaY i DiE
UnTiL mY bLoOd BeGiNs To DrY
aNd I rEtUrN tO tHe DaRkNeSs FrOm
WhEnCe I cAmE
I am not a bad man
Even though I do bad things
Very bad things
Such Horrible things things
But it's not quite what it seems
not quite what I seem
Aw, hell

And to this day (r/n) and the other guards and prisoners were found dead the next morning and written in blood on the walls that said,
"SuCh HoRrIbLe ThInGs"

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