Chapter 12

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Riley let out a breath and went to her closet once again. She took her suit carefully off the hook and began to put it on. The suit was very tight and form-fitting. It had knives embedded in the material of the suit, near her calves, making it somewhat bulky. It was a bodysuit, made of black spandex. She had black combat boots made specifically for this purpose. Instead of a full-faced mask, she had one that covered her face, from her nose and down and a black hooded cape. In her opinion, it was almost kind of scary.

According to Riley's knowledge, no one else was home at the moment, so it wouldn't be difficult to sneak out. She walked out of her house into the freezing January air. Luckily, her suit was keeping her warm for now. She saw in the distance the purple sparks and what appeared to be a popping noise could be heard. She also saw a light in the sky that she could tell was her dad. Before she could take off running, she made her point to look around the rest of the perimeter. She climbed up to her roof to get a better view. On one side, she saw where her dad had flown, but on the other side, there were more purple sparks. She decided to make her way towards the other sparks, the way her dad had not gone. It took her about 10 minutes to get there. She was hopping on the top of a truck to save her energy and was making sure they weren't going to go past her destination.

When she got close enough, she jumped off the truck in a position to where she could tumble on the grass without hurting herself. She made it to the grass safely and not far away, she saw the person. If it was a girl or not, she couldn't tell, but there was certainly someone back there. Then, she took a minute to piece together the information. What if the one her dad and possibly the other Avengers were at was a diversion? It wasn't a crazy thought.


Peter was making his way towards the location Tony had told him when he got another notification on his phone. He pulled it out, and since he was on a truck going the direction he wanted to be going he could look at it for a second. It read, 'False alarm, it was a distraction. We are searching the area to find where she really could be.'

He looked around when he saw purple sparks coming from another direction, the opposite way. He immediately made his way over to where it was. It took him about 15 minutes to get there and when he did, he saw someone else watching. She would be impossible to see with the naked eye, but luckily with his suit on and heightened senses, he could spot her easily. He walked silently to where she was standing behind the tree. He knew that whoever this was wasn't the one with the purple sparks because as she stood there, he could see the other girl, still shooting at a portal.

Riley could sense that somebody was behind her, she knew it probably before whoever it was could see her. She turned around slowly, making sure to stay hidden from the girl with the purple sparks. Before her, she saw Spider-man. She held a finger to her lips signaling him to be quiet.

Peter was in shock. He couldn't see this person's full face because she was wearing a half-mask, but he could tell that she was here to do the same thing he was. He sent a message to Tony through Karen, hoping he'd receive it quickly and walked silently behind the tree across from the other girl.

"How did you know to come here?" Spider-man asked her.

"I saw it," Riley said. She tried to keep her words to a minimum so if there was any chance he could recognize her voice, he wouldn't be able to. She made her way to the next tree, making sure to not step on any stray branches, Spider-Man following right behind her. She wanted to see if she could possibly harm the girl.

Riley had used her powers on a human before, but only if they wouldn't cooperate with her desires. Hopefully, this wasn't pushing it too far. She closed her eyes and focused on the girl. It was hard to picture her face since she had never seen it before, but she did her best. Immediately, the girl stopped shooting the sparks and she fell to the ground.

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