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I woke up to a blinding bright light from the curtains in my room. I saw clothes on the end of the bed that looked that exercise clothes...My mentor came in and said "Those are your training clothes Y/N".

I nodded, after that (she/he) turned and walked out the door and closing it.
I got dressed in a red, white, and black jumpsuit with a number 4 on the shoulder part. (Your now from district 4..Sorry :/).

I put on some gray socks and black shoes. I went out of my room and put deodorant and put my hair in a ponytail. I checked to see if I spelt good and I did. I went out of the bathroom to eat sausage,pancakes, and fruit with some toast. I grabbed a plate with a bit of everything and finished it. My mentor then spoke by saying, "Today's training as you can tell, so there will be weapons, survival stuff, ect."

Zach and I both nodded.

5 minutes later

I'm now down in he training room and this women just explained everything. How can she let all these kids in here train to fight to the death?! It's disgusting!! I mean seriously, this lady knows only 1 comes out, and she doesn't show any emotion in her words! It drives me insane almost...

I get a tap on the shoulder

-Glimmer's POV-
(Didn't see that one coming, Eh?)

I walked up to the district 4 bitch, Y/N, who is stealing my hunk Cato!!
I tap her on the shoulder and she turns around and when she's sees me her face turns annoyed!? How rude..
I say "Well,well if it isn't miss 4? Jeez, your my first kill in the games"

She replied with a laugh and said "Bitch please, you couldn't even catch me if you ran on a horse... So find someone who YOU can actually kill.."


I'm such a savage
I just backed talk a career.. And Cato was standing right behind me after I finished my comment.
He then said "Get owned Glimmer".

And with that he left and I walked over to the snare making area

After about 1 of practice on that, I went over to the bow n' arrow section, I was quite good at it..
After doing that it was time to go back into are rooms.
I followed Zach into the elevator and I hit
the 4 button.
When we both arrive in our penthouse, I go straight into the bathroom, take a shower and go into my pajamas (Black silky shorts and a baby blue T-shirt)

Night time

I'm tired
I go into my room and shut the door and flop into bed and fall into a dreamless sleep.

There ya go! Your new chapter.
I'm really sorry about the wait but I do have stuff to do! I hope you
guys enjoyed it! And I will see you next time Little Wolves 💙


504 words

You Were Always Mine (Cato x Reader) Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now