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Jungkook's POV

I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door slam wide open. I got startled and jumped.

"Why are you sleeping! Where's my breakfast?" Taehyung yells.

"Taehyung be quiet!" I whisper to him.

"Why should I be quiet?" he starts to raise his voice.

"Let me show you why." I roll my eyes and grab his wrist and drag him down the hall.

I stopped at the twins bedroom. 

"See for yourself and be quiet." I say while crossing my arms in annoyance.

Taehyung stares at me confused and gives in as he opens the door quietly. He steps in and sees Mina and Sungnim fast asleep in bed.

I couldn tell from a distance he was mad. Well shit-

He comes back and closes the door quietly. He glares at me and drags me downstairs out of anger. 

"Why are there kids in here! Did you cheat on me you slut!" he whispers as his nails started to dig into my skin.

"They're not mine. Their my brothers, I'm going to be taking care of them." I respond as I pull my wrist away from his grip.

"Why can't your brother take his kids with them?" he asks as his anger started to calm down.

"He's on a business trip." I say hesitantly.

"For how long?" he asks suspiciously.

"A long time." I answered.

"Jungkook, tell me the truth." he says in a stern voice.

"Alright... " I sighed.

Couple of Minutes later...

"Oh okay, I understand why the kids are here now." he says as he nods.

I hear the door open from the twin's bedroom. Then little footsteps start coming down the stairs.

"Morning uncle Kooks." Mina says as she rubs her eyes.

"Good morning to you Mina." I say as I smile and pick her up. I set her in my lap as I sit down on the sofa.

"Morning Uncle Kooks." Sungnim also says as he walks towards me.

"Morning Sungmin." I respond as I pick him up too.

"Uncle Kooks?" Mina says as she looks at me.

"You can call me Kookie." I said as I smiled.

She smiles back at me.

"Who's that?" she says as she points to Taehyung.

"That's my friend, Taehyung." I say to her.

"Ohhh, so he's like my other uncle?" she says with curiosity.

"Well, yes." I nod in response.

Taehyung smiles at me. I was shocked, he was smiling at me, no punching, no cuss words or anything. I feel awkward. I smiled back at him.

"Hi Mina. I'm Taehyung and I'm Kookie's friend, but you can call me Uncle TaeTae or TaeTae." he says with a smile.

"Yay! I got two uncles!" she says with excitement as she claps her hands.

Taehyung giggles at the cute behavior of her. I smiled to myself when he giggled. He looks cute when he giggles like that.

Sungnim reaches his hands out to Taehyung.

"TaeTae~" he says as he wants to be carried by him.

Taehyung picks him up and sets him in his lap. He starts to tickle Sungnim making him laugh. I smiled at the sight. I never knew Taehyung had this soft side of him. Under all that darkness and anger he is still the caring, loving Taehyung I know. It looks like he loves kids.

"You're so cute!~" he says in a baby voice to Sungnim.

"That tickles!~" Sungnim says as Taehyung tickles him. 

Mina gets off my lap and starts to run.

"Try and catch me!" she cooed as she ran.

"Come here you little rascal!" I said as I chased after her.

Sungnim then joined in and ran. Taehyung and I ran after both of the twins and caught them and played with them.

Taehyung pulled me aside while the twins were playing in the living room. I'm surprised at the moment. Taehyung isn't hitting me or getting mad at me or anything.

"Look, I'll help you take care of the twins." he says.

"What? Really?" I said in shock.

He nods. We go back and see twins still playing.

"Jungkookie!" Jimin says as he walks in and closes the door.

"Hey Jimin." I said as I sit on the floor with the twins and Taehyung.

"Hey Jimin." Taehyung says as he smiles at Jimin.

"Hey Tae." he says as he crouches to see the twins.

"Well, we'll, well, how are these cuties?" he says as he pinches the twins cheeks.

"Well, they just woke up and their pretty good." I say as I get Sungnim in my arms.

"That's good, that their doing fine." he says as he does funny faces to the twins as they laugh.

"Hey, we should take them for the rest of the guys to see them." Taehyung says as he has Mina in his arms as well.

"Sure, let's do that." I say as I get up.

We get the twins ready and head to the car. Taehyung and I put them into the seats and buckle them up. Jimin sits in the back with twins as I'm in the driver's seat and Taehyung is in the passengers.

We head out of the dorm complex and head to the studio as the twins have fun in the car. We pull up and get out with the twins. I pick up Mina in my arms as Taehyung had Sungnim in his arms. Jimin following us from behind as we head inside and go to the practice room. 

I open the door and see the rest of the guys. All of us go in and close the door.

"Awwww... There so cute!" The rest say as the comes over and see the twins.

Jin and Namjoon take them in their arms as Taehyung and I take a seat.

The rest are over loaded with cuteness cause of the twins. They play with them for the rest of the day and show them some dances that we're working on.

The twins started to yawn and get sleepy.

"Okay, sleepy heads let's go home." I say as Taehyung helps me with them. I pick up Sungnim as he rests his head on my shoulder. Taehyung does the same with Mina.

The rest say goodbye to the twins as we go. The twins were asleep already and didn't wave back and so we waved back for them. Taehyung and I put them in the backseat buckled in and drove off to home. We arrive at the dorms and we get out as well as the twins.

We go the dorm and head inside and close the door. We head upstairs and put the twins in the room. As we tucked them in bed. I kissed them to sleep and closed the door. I head downstairs to the living room.

"What a day." I say as I lay on the couch.

"Yeah. I'm tired too." Taehyung says as he sits down too.

"Thanks for helping me." I say with a smile.

"You're welcome." he smiles at me.

I smiled back while I head to my room to go to sleep.

"Night Taehyung."

"Night Jungkook."

Looks like Taehyung likes the twins. That's good. He acted good today, helped me, and didn't say anything bad. Maybe he's changing.

I got lost in my own thoughts and fell asleep.

Hey guys hoped you like them chapter.

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