5 - Loss -

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Jungkooks POV

"Jungkook... " my father said at the end of the line.

"What is it, dad? It sounds like you cried. Are you okay?" I asked with concern.

"It's your mom- She's in the hospital," he responded with a tone of sadness.

"W-What? Is she okay?" I stuttered.

"No, she isn't. She collapsed when she was in the kitchen making dinner. Come to the hospital right now, I'll tell you the rest." he said in a shaky voice.

"O-okay Dad. I'll be there soon."

"Bye Jungkook."

With that sudden call, he hanged up. I packed my things in a hurry and the rest of the guys were asking why I was in such a rush. I just ignored them and went outside to my car, I saw that it was raining, I didn't care if I got wet. At that moment nothing bothered me, I just had to go straight to the hospital and that's what I did.

I parked in the parking lot and ran inside. I called my dad to see what floor mom was on. He said that she was on the 8th floor. I rushed my way through the doctors, nurses, and patients and saw the elevators. I dashed straight to them and started clicking buttons. The hospital went to 20 floors. I pushed the 8th button and the doors closed. The doors opened. I walked out swiftly and found my dad pacing up and down the hallway.

"Dad?" I said as I walked over to him.

He looked at me. His eyes were slightly puffy and his nose was a bit red. He looked very worried and sad. I began to get more worried based on how Dad was acting. I believe mom didn't really collapse. I think he just told me that as a cover up for something way worse that was going on.

"Dad? Is mom really okay?" I asked with a worried expression.

"Jungkook, your mom has...something wrong with her heart. The doctor told me she doesn't have enough time with us. He said that she can leave us at any moment right now. So, I suggest you go to her before she's gone," he said to me as he walked to me and looked me in the eyes with sadness.

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach when I heard those words. I didn't know what to do.

"I will Dad."

He guided me to the room where mom was. When I entered, I saw her in bed with a lot of machines hooked up to her. She looked so weak and pale. I was scared. I didn't like the sight of my mother like that. Next to the bed there were flowers on a table, next to them I saw my older brother.

"Junghyun?" I said as I walked over to him and mom.

"I-I thought you were in America?" I asked him with curiosity.

"Dad told me what happened and I flew here right away."

I nodded at his response.

I saw that he was holding her hand. Her eyes were open. She was talking to him.

"Mom wants to talk to you, Jungkook," he says as he gets up from the side of the bed. He pats my shoulder in reassurance and makes his way to dad.

"Jungkook.. " she said weakly as she pats a space on the bed next to her, signaling me to go sit next to her.

I sit next to her and takes my hands into hers. She looked me in the eye with her calming, loving eyes.

"Yes, mom?"

"Jungkook, I'm proud of you that you wanted to help your brother out with his children. I'm so happy that you were able to become an idol and make your dreams come true. I want you to stay healthy and take care of yourself. " she said as she smiles at me.

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