Happy Things

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It's so hard for me
to write about something happy.

Yet again
I can't remember what happiness feels like.

I'm not saying I never feel it
but it's usually gone in a split second.

Maybe it came too fast for me to remember
or maybe it was just too much
for me to describe
but it's hard
for me to write about the feeling.

All I know is things feel light,
I can see clearer.

I don't know if that's how most people
feel on the daily
but I pity myself
I wish I could feel that way constantly.

I guess that's why
I could never write about you,

You came so fast,
I wanted to have you for all eternity
but I knew you weren't permanent,
nothing ever is.

But I guess that's the beauty
because without your absence
I would never fully feel anything.

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