The Devil

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She swore she saw the devil in my bedroom.

She told me to listen for it's screams but I only heard my hollow chest as I stared into the night.

And now in every darkened place of mind, I see the devil too.

Every night I watch blankly,
hoping to receive the answers to all my pain.

But I only feel a burning inside my soul that I cannot explain.

Everything is remaining as if we never spoke a word the night our eyes glistened bright red.

But, we both know we did.

I assume we've been corrupted by whatever casted fog over our intellect and forced us to breathe our mistakes.

But I have felt the weight of my mind crushing my skull too many times to the point where standing on the edge of the world isn't thrilling anymore.

But I still mindfully take another cautious step closer to your receptions of the thunder outside the window.

But I suppose it's a waste of time to anticipate what's on the outside, because the devil remains in the dark.

Cool Words For SadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora