Gone With The Stars

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I'll tell you a secret,
I wish to be somewhere with the stars,
somewhere far away from here,
I wish to be gone.

I'm out of touch
with reality
and it's driving me crazy.

I feel like I'm floating,
but truthfully it's not so bad.

I've left room for so much
to come and pass
like shooting stars,
and ufos,
things I won't have forever.

But when stars start falling from the sky
oh that's when it gets dangerous.

That's when
I start to loose my ability to love
and to give all to whom it may concern.

And they'll try to convince me
to let go of the past,
but there's something about
walking on the blood stained ground
you bled on
that makes it hard to
forgive and forget.

And they'll try to tell me
that the night sky can't save me,
but I know
when I look into it's eyes
that that is where I belong.

Because how could the stars ever hurt me?

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