Let go

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I tried, but it wasn't enough.

I couldn't hold you till you were ready to leave.

I wish I could save you from every breathe of desperation but if I could control everything we'd be weak.

It's not easy to find yourself in this sea of lean bushes and trees.

Don't trust that everything will go how you please,
because all though this is beautiful it is far from reality.

Every time your fingers trace every word I speak, I swear I hear my screams.

But you don't hear the shrilling noise of my pain, you hear what you see.

And I wish I could say I have shown every side of each red stained sheet but you would never see the paintings of pain underneath my skin if I reavled it myself. 

Maybe I've been holding on too long or maybe it's too shallow, but either way,  it's time I let go. 

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