Chapter 3

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****Lyra POV****

Beeping, slow agonizing, beeping is all I hear. Groaning, I open my eyes. Looking around I realize I'm in the turtles hideout. Then the events as of late, came back to me. Jumping up I look around for any evidence that could ruin my life. As I suspected, the purple masked turtle had taken some blood and was having it scanned, though he was nowhere in sight. Taking my chance I shift to my human self and walk towards the device. Stopping it mid scan, I take any reports, blood, anything that linked to me, and destroyed it. They cannot find out my heritage. Just as I was shifting back, I heard loud footsteps towards the door. Quickly I crouch behind the computer monitors on the floor, waiting for the perfect time to escape. As suspected, the door opens and I'm met with the purple masked one entering the lab. He doesn't notice my missing figure until he turns from his desk where he set down a beverage. As soon as he see's that I'm gone he let's out a loud yelp and runs back out the door, leaving it open.

"Leo! She's gone! "

" who's gone? "

"Who do you think?"

"Calm Down Don, she's probably hidin' somewhere in your lab, the door was closed remember?" 

While they were talking, I slowly stalked over to the door and peered out. Finding the quickest escape route, I make a break for it. Launching out of the doorway and running over to the couch like furniture. Jumping over it, I notice the the doorway that I thought was the exit, was actually to a kitchen area. Turning around I'm face to face with the red banded turtle. He holds his hands up.

"Whoa, there kitty, easy easy."

I growl, yes growl, at him and look around me. There was only one way out, past the turtle. I back up, baring my teeth.

"I'm not gonna hurt ya, Easy," he then shouts over his shoulder, "Don, she's in here!"

"Hey guys, has she woken up yet?" I hear Aprils voice call out.

Taking a huge risk I run and launch myself at the red turtle. He quickly ducks and I land silently behind him. Still running I make it to April and jump on her. Making her fall on the ground with me on top of her. My front paws on her shoulders, holding her down.

"What In the hell do you think you were doing by bringing me  here!"

" I-"

"No, in your head"

"I'm sorry but you were injured and I couldn't just bring you to a hospital now could I"

"But here?!?"

"Look Im sorry alright, but get off me before they launch their plan."

"Fine" I growled

I got off her and helped her up.

"Why haven't you shifted yet, Lyra?"

"Because, I don't trust them yet."

"So now you speak"

"Yup, now turtles, please step out of your hiding positions."

They step out with a look of surprise.

"How'd you know we were there?" The blue one questioned

"And how can you speak?" The Purple one said stepping out from behind the couch

"A, Your not the only ninja's," I reply to the blue one, "And two, Im a mutant"


"I was born with it"

"Woah, woah, You said You were tested with it" April Exclaimed

 "I was, When I was born I had my tail and ears" I replied shifting to my human self, "I never lied to you, April"

"If I may, Can I ask how you two met?" The Purple one asked

"We met after I escaped, I knew their mission and I couldn't let her go through what they were planning"

"Who's 'they'?" The red one asked

" 'They' are the Kraang"

"Wait wait escaped?" The orange one asked

"Yes escaped, You could say that I was their experiment "I replied, shifting to my leopard self, "Now before we continue with this Q and A, Names? Or can I call you Jumpy, Dork, Red, and Blue?"


"Yes, you have gadgets and a lab, Dork"

"Im Leonardo, or Leo"

"Donatello, Donnie, Don, or D. Whatever you prefer"

"Raphael, Raph"

"Ooo, Grumpy"

"And Im Michelangelo, or Mikey the cool one"

"No thats thats over, Who's the rat?"

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