Chapter 7

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****Lyra POV****

My new home. I like the sound of that.

"Thanks Donnie, now does any of you have dog food?"

I look around. Answer from deduction, no.

"Just kidding, Yoshi doesn't eat dog food. But do we have any steak?"

"We might have steak, Raph go check." Leo replies

"What?! Why me?"

"Please?...... I'll get you a new weight set" I say, tauntingly. Knowing that it would work.

He raises an 'eyebrow', "and a new punching bag?"


"Alright I'll go get you some steak"

I handed him enough money to get at least eight steaks. I turn back to the other brothers and notice them looking at me like I have three heads.


"Do you know how expensive a weight set is! And a new Punching bag! Those cost a ton of money! an all for a few steaks! Are you NUTS!!!" Donnie yells

"You could say that. And it wasn't just for some steaks, it was an opportunity for him to realize I'm not that bad. Come on guys, you really thing that was why? Dudes, you need to start thinking. Even you Donnie."


"Now if you"ll excuse me, I need to go to the weight shop," I cut him off, heading towards the living room, "oh and Mikey?"

"yes, fluffy?"

"Fluffy? You know what, nevermind. When Raph gets back cook up a steak for Yoshi, yeah? medium rare, no seasonings or any of that shit, Kay?"

"Alright! I get to cook"

"And don't give it to him till it cools off, alright lad? Donnie make sure it gets cooled off, I don't fully trust him"

With that I walk out of the lair, and into the sewers. Making my way topside, I start to sing to myself, singing 'The way I Are' by Bebe Rexha. After popping the man-hole cover off, and replacing it after I got out, I look out of the alleyway. Checking both ways I didn't notice the pair of eye's watching me from the shadows. Walking out of the alleyway I head in the direction of 'Get Fit' the weight shop down the street. Once inside I make my way to the front desk. 

"Hey Eddie! You got any new toys?" I yell to the guy up front.

"Yo! If it ain't little Kitty! Hey, what'chu been up too?"

"Oh, y'know same ol', same ol'. How 'bout them new toys?"

"Yeah, come 'round back I got just the stuff"

****Time Skip****

"Thanks Edd! I'll be sure to come by later with that meal, Have a great day!" I say as he drives back to the store.

Making sure no one is watching I use my powers, making  the whole set float. Going into the sewers, I close the cover after getting everything down here. I start towards the turtles lair with the equipment. I walk into the Lair and head straight for the dojo. Once inside I close the door and drop the equipment. Quickly working to set everything up. The set consists of a new bench press, with three sets of weights to go with it, tons of dumbbells, a chin-up bar, ankle weights, a Punching bag and a prowler sled. Setting everything up I quickly set my plan into action. Sneaking to Raph's room, I pelt a water balloon at his face. Once he see's me, he growls and I book it. Him trailing very closely behind me. I run to the dojo and slam the door shut behind me to stall him. Then I shift to my leopard self and climb the blossom tree all the way to the top. No sooner had I made it to the top, had the  door burst open. An angry Raph storms in and searches the dojo, but stops once he see's the new equipment. All anger lost, he looks until he finds me at the top of the tree.

"Lyra? You bought these?" he asks in disbelief 

I jump down and slowly walk towards him, "Yeah. Do you like it?"

"Like it? Dude, this is the best thing I've ever gotten! I love it!"

He rushes to me and in a blink of an eye, I'm trapped in a hug. I hear sniffling and realize he's crying.

"Raph? Are you- are you crying?"

"What?! No! I just got water in my eye's from that balloon you threw at me."

"Ya, sure."

"Fine, but you tell anyone and I'll beat the fur offa you"

"Chill Raph, Your secrets safe with me."

Just then we were interrupted, "Aww, Raph has feelings!"

We turn our heads to see the other turtles in the doorway of the dojo. I look at out position and realize how close our faces are. Both of us blush immensely and quickly separate.

"Aww Raphie's a softie" Mikey exclaims

"Call him a softie again, I dare you." I growl, taking a step towards him.

His eye's widen and he takes off running towards his room. I turn to Leo and Donnie,

"Anyone else?"

They take off and it's just Raph and I again.

"No one speaks of this again, alright?" Raph speaks

"Deal" I reply. 

We look at each other and with a final fist bump, we go to our different activities.

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