Chapter 1

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Ok so this is the part of the story before me and Clark started to have rivalry .

Yeah...from the day I met you I knew you would be a trouble in my life.

You know that isn't true. are like the unexpected disaster.

Whatever Clark.

The Forming of Friendships, Enemies, and Love- Part 1

I was leaning on the window of the car when the car make a sudden stop which makes me bump my head on the window real hard followed by our car honking real loud.

"People here in America I tell you." My mom sighed and turned right and we are now entering what looks like a town. The houses here are normal houses, and from time to time we pass by Mansions with enormous gates. Now I just can't wait and I am actually hoping it would be a mansion.

I put my earphones on and started to lean on the window when the car suddenly stops again making me hit my head on the seat in front of me. I pull the buds out of my ear.

Seriously , the world has a problem with me. The world bumped my head like so many times already.

I rubbed my forehead but stopped when I realized we are still not moving. I also realzed my mom is not on the front seat. I looked out the front window and she was talking to two boys around my age (15). They both have nice hair. The other one is brunette and the other one is blonde, different styles of hair, the other one has a messy blonde hair that ends on his eyebrows. The brunette has his hair styled.

I really didn't get to study them that much because my mom smiled at them and said 'Thank you'. I read her mouth that is why I know she said thank you. Then they talked for a little while before Mom pointed at me and I shrinked back to my seat not knowing what she is doing.

After what felt like hours the door opens and my mom sat down on the driver's seat.

"What took you so long?" I asked clearly irritated.

"I hope you don't mind , but I invited the two boys I was talking to earlier to help us go to the street of our new house,they seem to be familiar with this place." She said smiling at me and I nodded.

"So lets go?" I said but then she held up a hand gesturing 'wait'.

The door to the passenger seats at the back opened and two boys climbed in one on the left and one on the right.

Wow. They are not showing any signs of shyness right now. They are so confident and energetic.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to help us." My mom said and she was actually so relieved, like we would get lost without them

Mom never speaks to a person who she thinks has a bad attitude. She speaks to only kind people she said. I never really agreed on her on that.

"It's no problem" The brunette guy said enthusiastically, and I was right they are kind of polite. The guy smiled and looked at me.

My mom gave him a smile before reaching for her seatbelt and pressed her foot against the pedal.

"By the way this my daughter Anna, Anna this is James and Clark." Mom said after the second she started driving.

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