Introducing (M/n)!!!

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"OMG! Did you hear about the competition thats taking place soon?!"

"Yeah, I did! I heard that only a few can become competitors!"

"But imagine being with tons of hot guys!"

"I wonder what would happen if we got one of them alone in a room with one of us?!"

The group of chattering girls squealed as thoughts that will not be explained went through them, not noticing the person looking at them.

You sweatdropped at the squealing girls, raising an eyebrow. "Do I really want to know what they are talking about?" You ask yourself, shivering. You watch as one of them faints with a nosebleed while the others go over to her in shock and worry. "...Forget that I even asked." You mutter to no one in particular, slowly inching away from the scene.

You honestly don't understand why there was such a big commotion over some competition. It's honestly a huge waste of time, in your opinion. Why compete over guys when they don't even care? They're probably getting played to deal with love struck girls.

You walked past another group of girls talking about the competition. They stopped squealing like pigs and stared at you as you walked by. As if you were scum on the earth. When they think you aren't paying attention, they start to whisper to each other.

"Oh my god, it's that Otaku boy again!"

"Shouldn't he be fawning over anime girl figures?"

"Go back into your Otaku cave, freak!!"

Yeah, you aren't really popular, because of what you like.

But you don't care. Let them try  bring you down. You won't bother with them, because those who try to bring you down are already below you.

So chew on that, ladies.

-💖 (Time skip!)💖-

You finally made it back to your ok-ish house. You fumble with your house keys, ready to go inside, when happy laughter fills your ears.

"Here boy! C'mon Snoopy!"

You turn to see a family of three, and a small dog. The little boy laughed as his dog "Snoopy" runs around, barking at anything and everything he sees. His parents smiled at the boy affectionately, and as they walked past you, you continue to watch them, silently.

"Mama, Papa! Can we visit Grandma and get some ice-cream?"

The two adults laughed, and as the mother took one hand, the father took another.

"Sure, lil' buddy," the father exclaimed. "After you eat your dinner."

"Aw man!" The little boy moans, only to have the parents laugh again. The mother kisses the boys head, and the father ruffles his hair, making the little boy smile.

You watch them disappear around the corner. You sigh, you would be lying if you said you weren't jealous. The kid had no idea how lucky he is to have such caring parents and a companion that could make him smile. The way they looked at them, you wished your blood parents did the same. Finally finding your keys, you unlocked your door and went inside.

"Hey! I'm home!" You called out.

You were met with only silence.

You looked around the empty house, looking for any sign or evidence that someone was there. The only thing you found was a note. You picked it up.

Dear (M/n)

I have business to attend to outside of the country. I've left you with some money to keep yourself alive. I assume you can take care of yourself. I will be back in two months. I will be taking him along with me, you know who I'm taking about.

Game of Love (One piece x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now