Mall trip...great.

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Ever since the competitors were announced, Nami and Kai had been teaching you non-stop about how to be more feminine. Well, mostly Nami, Kai didn't know anything about this topic, so he gave you support on the sidelines. Even Sparks was helping out, searching up the typical ways and tips of being a girl on the internet(apparently everything can be found on the internet). Thus two weeks went by like shooting stars, the day you would be picked up to head to where the competition would be held was tomorrow, and you still haven't entirely gotten the feminine thing down.

"No, (M/n)! You're doing it all wrong!"

You groan once more. This is the 27th time Nami had called you out for doing SOMEthing wrong. It's pretty annoying by itself, what makes it unbearable is that you're only walking around the room while Nami 'corrects' your walk. Everything else you needed to do to disguise yourself completely as a female you already knew how to do. You could do a pretty convincing female voice(thanks to playing with Chopper all these years, since you always ended up with the female part), and you already learned how to stand and sit like a woman. It's your walk, and there's a main factor to this.

You slouch.

Yeah, having the amber-lead syndrome, parents who were barely around, and the insults people say "behind your back" did not do well for your self confidence, or your posture. You've been working on fixing it for a while, and you were slowly figuring it out.

At least, you thought you were.

Nami, however, thought otherwise.

"What am I doing wrong this time?!"

"You're stiff when you walk, stomping around like a giant! You need to walk more delicately, not to mention that you're slouching again."

You let out another groan.

"Oh, I am so sorry for walking like myself, oh I feel so ASHAMED."

Nami rolled her eyes at your little drama act.

"(M/n), it isn't that hard, just don't slam your food onto the ground like you're trying to break it, place one foot in front of the other, and make sure to swing your hips. Don't forget to check if your slouching and correct it. Easy, now you try.

You groan again. "Easy for you to say..." You grumble as you head to the end of the bedroom. "You learned how to walk that way..."

You once again try to walk across the room, focusing on your posture. Putting one foot in front of the other, swaying your hips, and keeping posture? How do they do this?! Although it wasn't the best, you were slightly satisfied with how you walked.

"Now you're walking all funny. Are you walking on a trapeze?!"

You could feel the last of your patience draining away.

"I'm done. I can't do this anymore. Nope." You exclaimed as you fall back onto the bed.

Nami sighed as she stared at your defeated figure.

"Fine, we'll skip that, how about I teach you how to dance—"

Nami was interrupted by your loud groan. She stared at you, slightly annoyed.

"Mark my words, (M/n), sometime during the competition, you'll have no choice but to walk like a woman and dance, and you'll be in deep shit when that happens."

"When pigs fly!" Was your response.

She rolled her eyes, then smiled. "Alright then! Let's go do your most favorite thing to do!"

You lift your head from the bed, staring at her with a raised eyebrow. Something about the way she said that did not feel right to you.

"...and that is?"

Game of Love (One piece x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now