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Halfway down the road, neither of them didn't said a word. The radio was playing low volume, but enough to listen. It was a full moon outside but it was cloudy. Ola felt bad about the incident at the movie theater, she just couldn't stand it anymore. It was at least Michael was such a considerable guy to listen. She then didn't know what she would say to Jessica and Monica. They were really hoping to hear the fun news she had with Michael. Michael, on the other hand, looked at Ola and sighed. It wasn't his first time missing out on the good parts of the horror movie. He then glanced over the time - 9:25pm. He really wanted to watch the rest, but when a girl couldn't do it, he have to stop. He then thought about Monique would be blowing up the phone if he doesn't respond, which was one thing he had to worry about. After moments of silence, Ola spoke up.

"Michael, I'm sorry back there, but I do want to finish the movie with you."

"It's okay," he answered, "not all girls like horror movies now and days, and I understand. When a girl said enough, that's what she means. My mom taught me about women the hard way." Ola smiled.

"Well, I don't really necessarily hate horror movies, I usually look away for certain scenes I don't want to see and expect for happy endings."

"Aww, at least you didn't hate them than I would imagine. I do like a girl to cling on me for safety instead," he smirked. Ola blushed a bit and laugh.

"Oh Mike, stop it, flirty self."

"And I do quite like you. Not only you're beautiful, but you're sweet too."

Ola couldn't believe what she was hearing. Michael liked her. She was so stunned she almost squeaked. "Awww Mike....," she gushed.

"Hehe, I like seeing other women's personalities but Monique won me over. She's grabby sometimes and doesn't want anyone to steal me from her..... but with you, you are a different girl I see within my eyes."

"That is so sweet of you," she cooed a bit. "But yeah, I get that alot from her."

They continued to talk while still driving down the road. Maybe it didn't turn out to be as bad as she thought. Him with a flirty attitude made her feel happy and safe, and she loved it. Ola could imagine dating him already. She giggled softly as her mind went wild and imaginative. Michael noticed her giggling a bit and shyly began to speak up.

"You know, there's something I need to tell you...," he began slowly. Ola gave him his full attention.

"Yes Michael, tell me."

He bit his lips nervously. "I'm not like other guys, really."

Ola was puzzled a bit. "Well of course not, you're the perfect dream guy any girl could ask for."

Michael shook his head. "No, this is more than that. You see, I'm an indifferent person. Please, I need you to understand me."

"Michael, what are you tryna tell me?"

Suddenly the car stopped in the middle of the road. Michael silently swore in a bit of frustration. Ola was wondering what was going on and looked at Mike.

"Looks like we're out of gas," he told her.

"So what are we gonna do?"

"We have to walk, and I really need gas for the car or my dad will freak. Least the windows are up." He went to get the gas tank and locked the doors. After that, the two of them began walking in the road middle of the night. While walking for a few miles, Ola began to question him.

"So what do you mean that you're indifferent?"

Michael sighed a bit and began to give in. Just as he was about to tell his secret, the cloud drifted away, revealing the the full moon and Michael quickly began to feel funny. Ola got worried real quick.

"Mike, are you okay?!" She cried out loud. That was then Mike looked up and yelled, "GET AWAY!", and Ola noticed his transformation. She let out a shriek and began running away from him into the woods, looking back hoping he wouldn't chase her. Oh no no no no no! Oh God, please save me, please don't let me die like this! This is worse than the movie we've seen! She pleaded as she tried to hide. My parents are going to kill me if I'm not home soon.

After a few minutes of transformation, the beast let out a roar

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After a few minutes of transformation, the beast let out a roar. Trembling in terror, Ola took off to be away from the terror noise. Unfortunately for her, the beast picked up her scent and began to follow it, grunting and growling. Ola tried everything she can not get caught from the beast but the beast finally caught up and found her. She tripped and fallen onto the ground, yelling and pleading this creature not to hurt her. As it got closer, Ola closes her eyes and fainted of this paranormal event.

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