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The next day, the school was buzzing with commotion. Ola, Jessica, and Monica were all curious of what was going on, so they decided to find out for themselves. Still without any clues, they asked a random person for the commotion they're hearing.

"Have you heard? Michael just broke up with Monique! This is crazy!" The student cried and left.

"This is viral," said Monica, "but whatever the reason is, this is good news for us!" They all high-fived each other.

"And I'm guessing this lucky person finally gets a chance to.... you know? Dating him?" Jessica teased, nudged at Ola and giggled.

"Aww Jessi, don't push it, but y'all will not believe what happened last night." Ola told them everything helping Michael for self-control and him kissing her. The girls oohed and ahhed, and she blushed. She loved that moment of how Michael had kissed her, and she wanted to remember this throughout her life.

As the girls walked into the building, Monique and her friends were headed toward them. Monique was upset, in tears, and in anger, and when she saw Ola, she was very pissed. "I bet you're glad that you stole my guy I love, he committed to have you instead... How dare you do that to me?!" She snorted and she and her friends walked past them. "Someday, I will my revenge, you'll see!" Ola and her friends laughed. "Good luck with that one," Ola remarked. They continued down the hallway until they got their materials for class.

The bell rang and everyone went into class. As the teacher began writing assignments on board, Ola received a note. She opened it and read it.

Have you heard the news? I finally broke up with Monique. But I'll tell you the rest during lunch time. XOXO

Ola giggled and went back completing her assignments. She couldn't wait to hear about this. She then resumed continuing her assignments. When lunchtime came, Ola was waiting for Michael to come. Though he usually be here quite first, she wondered where could he possibly be. Finally, he showed up with a couple of his friends. Normally, Monique would be bossing everyone around to make room for her, Mike, and her crew, but today, she was nowhere to be seen. Ola didn't mind at all. As she sat with her friends on the table, Mike and his fellows went up to them.

"Are the seats taken for these pretty young ladies, no?" One of Mike's friend asked, flirting a bit.

"Andrew, knock it off, will you? That's not how you get ladies like that," said Michael's other friend Robert, with a hint of teasing.

"Aww c'mon, I can't flirt with them? You act like they're too fine for me to have." The two went back and forth about approaching property.

"Pay them no mind, they can be knuckleheads sometimes," said Michael, rolling his eyes, laughing a bit. "Anyway, I'll tell you what happened by the way." He explained that he doesn't feel the same way with Monique and that he couldn't do it anymore. He didn't want a girl that is a little too bossy and always ganging up on him too much where he sometimes needs space, which was fine with Ola. "So I told her that I'm moving on without her and rather be committed to you. She was so stunned that she couldn't get her sentence out. With that, she left, crying out loud saying she lost me and was pissed as well." Ola was grinning ear to ear of this good news for her.

"Oh, I won't have to worry about her for a while," she said with a wink, "I think I know who she would be dating next."

Few tables away, Monique glared at Michael and his new girlfriend. She was completely focused that she decided to get up and spy on them. As she got up and slowly walked towards them, she bumped into Jeremy, who was about to throw his trash in the trash can as if it was a basketball court.

"Watch it, you," she sneered.

"Hey, you ran into me," said Jeremy.

"Um, have you forgotten that I'm the most popular person you're speaking?!" She snapped a bit. Jeremy snickered.

"Oooh, someone is getting feisty on me, I like it, I like women with strong attitude," he said, slyly. Monique rolled her eyes.

"In your dreams, dork," she said, walking away, ".....but you are quite good-looking."

"And you're quite hot yourself too," Jeremy winked at her, forgotten about Ola. He walked up to Monique and wrapped his arm around her. Monique did the same, and together they left. She forgotten about the plans she was going to do and didn't bothered to think about it.

After school, Michael and Ola had a fun time together. They laughed and talked and spent time together. They even flirt and being goofy to one another, and she didn't want to lose this special moment with him. Ola kissed him on the cheek, and Michael kissed her on the lips. She was very lucky to finally be with her crush. Michael, of course, was finally happy and able to get away from Monique. He knew if he told her his secrets, his secrets would be exposed to the world. But telling Ola made him feel safe because he knew that she was a considerable person to talk to. The two of them noticed their friends were having fun with each others. While Michael's friends were still bickering, Jessica and Monica didn't mind, and the four of them quickly got together.

Ola leaned on Michael. She didn't care if he was different or not. She didn't care what others would of him if he was a freak or not. Michael deserves a second chance to seek out for a better woman, and I'm glad that he chose me as his girlfriend, I will be the best girlfriend he'll ever had, Ola thought. As long as his secrets were safe with her, Ola will make sure that nothing would happen between them throughout the rest of their lives.

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