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As the night dragged by, Ola and the beast were lying down on the ground. Ola couldn't help but noticed the werecat. It was at first howling at the moon for a few times and then rested on her lap. Ola slowly raised the creature's chin up to look into its golden eyes. The beast let out a small growling murmur sound, but not in a ferocious way. She soothed it and began to speak. "Michael, if you could hear me in there, I just wanted to say that not a bad werecat. You're just struggling of this curse you have and you didn't have control at first. You know it too. There's no need to terrorize the neighbors - you just needed help. And you know what? I think I believe you now." The beast was still making its weird sounds, but Ola didn't seemed to mind at all. But there was one thing she felt something different - she wasn't even afraid anymore. Getting used to the werecat was a tough thing to do without getting hurt, and she was glad she was able to help out.

All of a sudden, the werecat got up and began to hunt for food, leaving Ola behind and alone. Ola was confused and wondering when it would ever return. Quick on her feet, she decided to gather sticks as much as she can to create fire. It was a bit chilly outside, so she quickly rubbed the sticks together to generate heat. With a few moments, she created a fire to keep warm. Instantly, the beast came back with a small dead animal in its mouth. Ola felt bad for that poor little creature at first, but she was quite hungry a bit. It gave the animal to her to join eating with it. She almost didn't want to accept the offer but the look in the creature's eyes said otherwise. She gave in, only cooking half the meat for herself and gave the half of the raw meat for the beast.

It wasn't long when Ola had to go home. The werecat followed her, as for protection of any dangers nearby. When she got to her house, she found the key under the mat and unlocked the door. She went inside, but didn't wanted the werecat to make any noises. Luckily there was a sun shade on the porch, so the beast began to transform back into a human Michael. Ola told him everything what had happened before.

"I thank you for your help, I really deserve this," Michael thanked her.

"Oh it was nothing, and you know what? I think I officially now believed you," Ola answered. Michael chuckled a bit. "Well, I must get some shut eyes, goodnight."

"Before you go somewhere, I wanna give you something," Michael said. He leaned in and gave Ola a kiss on the lips. Ola was stunned. After the kiss, Michael stopped. "Goodnight, I love you, Ola."

"I love you too Mike," she said, "but what about Monique?"

"I will deal with her tomorrow." Michael left the house and vanish. Ola closed the door and sighed happily. It was her dream come true finally kissing a popular guy. She couldn't wait to see the look on Monique's face tomorrow. With everything settled, Ola got ready for bed. But before she fall asleep, she couldn't stop smiling all night.


When Michael got home, he checked to make sure that everything was cleared. He went inside and quietly shut the door. As soon he could make another move, the lights turned on. It was his dad standing there, and was very not pleased of what he was seeing.

"I told you not to go outside on full moon and yet you went out there anyway," Michael's dad scolded at him.

"Dad, you act like as if I have scared a block of neighborhood on purpose," Michael replied.

"Where have you been? We've been waiting for you all night to come home!"

"I was with a friend of mine and she was helping me for some self-control so I won't terrorize the neighbors. No big deal."

"A friend of yours?! And you told her about your secret?! Have you lost your mind, son?! You could've killed her by any moment. And you saying like it was no big deal?! Son, this is serious, do you want to be found looking like that??!"

"That's because you never taught me anything to control myself. How am I supposed to do that? All you ever said to me is stay indoors from full moons. What good does that do for me today and in the future?! All I needed is someone to help me. I'm tired of hiding in the shadows, and sooner or later someone would discover my secret if I'm not careful enough."

"Enough of this. I don't care who they are, but they when these people find out about our curses soon, they might kill us or drive us out of town. This is why I don't want you to be out late like that. It's a risky chance that I don't want to lose anyone, especially you."

"Well I wish I never had this curse before. Why can't I have a normal life like other folks? Ruined my life, can't even enjoy myself sometimes." With that said, Michael left out the room. Mr. Jackson sighed. He was getting more worried than usual about Michael's safety. Though he never told him how to have some self-control, Mr. Jackson decided to go to his room to see if he's okay. He finally confessed Michael the truth.

"Son, I was just thinking about our conversation and you were right. I should've taught you better and you deserve it. I know how you feel when I was your age and my father didn't have anything to control me. He was cursed too with it but he wasn't born with this gift. He didn't have much to control, which is why I got it after him. I didn't know anything better until I gotten older and manage to control myself. At first, I was afraid to have children myself and feared that they would have no control for themselves whenever they go out at night. That's why I didn't want you to go outside at night, afraid you might get caught and be seen as a freak. I even feared no one would understand me of what I was going through. So I learnt the hard way not to go outside when there's a full moon unless I cover myself up to avoid transformation. Later on, when we have you, you were indifferent and struggled to fit in like the rest of the people. But when I look at you today, you took the opportunity to seek help instead, which was a bold but dangerous move to do. I didn't want to lose anyone else in the family than I could afford."

Michael listened and thought for a moment. "Wow dad, personally, I thought you were being a bit too strict on me all this time but it turns out you were just protecting me. I didn't want to just sit around to do nothing and becoming a monstrous freak to everyone. I had to find someone who could literally see the struggles I'm dealing with."

"Michael, I'm just worrying about your safety. If you make one wrong move, we'll be both in danger."

"Dad, I got this under control now. Don't worry, I promise I wouldn't let anything would happen to me." Michael got ready for bed. Mr. Jackson left his son's room and prayed. Lord, I know that we're different than anyone else, but please don't let the misfortunes happen to my son. He's my only hope and I did all I can to prevent him from any possible dangers he could be heading to. Mr. Jackson went to his own room, carefully covered the windows, and went to bed as well.

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