Not Another Bloody Zombie

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A/N: This is a drabble (a story of 100 words) written for a WattZombie contest.  The prompt was to write from the point of somebody manning the wall of a colony of survivors.

It's not the watching I mind so much. It's what I have to watch that gets me. Zombies, zombies, zombies. And guess what else? Zombies. Shuffling, moaning, rotting and seriously, pathologically, eye-wateringly boring.

I mean it. Seen one zombie, seen 'em all. Ever seen a dancing zombie? Didn't think so. A singing zombie? Nup. Chef zombie, neurologist zombie, stripper zombie? Nope, nada, never (thankfully).

Hang on, there's another one. 'Scuse me while I blow its brains out. Sound exciting? Maybe the first gazillion times. Hey, zombie! Wanna not get shot? Do something interesting. Say something interesting.


Really? Fascinating.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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