Chap 14

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Chapter 14: Trust issues

Warning: not edited

Isabella's POV

I stood in the room staring out the window at nothing in particular as the silence filled my ears. Hearing the door make a slight squeaking sound I turned my head in the direction but saw nothing as the door slowly opened on its own.

"Come" I heard a voice echo through my ears making me crease my eyebrows."come" it repeated again before my body automatically started reacting. Step after the other I walked until I was completely out the door. The voice continued calling me,telling me to come and I obeyed, like a pet following its master's orders.

My mind doesn't know exactly where I'm going but it's as if my body does,like the voice is leading the way.

Soon I stood near the edge of a cliff staring down at the deep pit of darkness that rested below, like an endless ocean of evil.

"ComeI heard the voice once more making my foot move a step closer to the very edge of the cliff"jump" it urged"jump before its to late" the voice whispered

I took one more look down and it was as if the darkness was calling me drawing my body to jump and I didn't feel the need to resist, like it was the right thing to do but my heart was saying the exact opposite as it pounded rapidly against my chest. While my heart was on a wild rampage in my chest my mind and body on the other hand were as calm as a peaceful valley, which confused me but still I never question it instead I walked closer to the edge, only one more step and I would fall.

Raising my foot to take that very last step a happy smile spread across my lips for some reason. Why was I happy? I don't know but oddly I was. And just as my foot started going down I heard it "stop" a different voice said making my foot freeze halfway as my head snapped in the direction and my eyes locked with his.

Pulling my foot back I placed it on the ground and turned around eyeing him from head to toe before relocking eyes again. I felt like part of me knew the person but part of me didn't.

"Please don't jump"he whispered quietly. Calmly. But from the look in his hazel nut coloured eyes I could see he was begging hoping and praying that I listened

"And why shouldn't I?"my voice came out a little higher than his as I turned my back to him stating down into the darkness again.

"Because if you'd die"he stated the obvious making a small chuckle leave my lips.

"And that's a problem,why?" I question hearing his footsteps coming closer but I just stood still not having the intention to move.

"Because"I heard his voice near my ear making a small tingle run down my spine from the closeness"you would put others in great mourning"was all he said.

"Who are you"I turned around asking as our eyes met again making the urge to find out who he was grow stronger inside me

"You already know me"he answered as I looked up at him blankly slightly disappointed before suddenly his look changed. From a calm facial expression with troubled looking eyes to a much more worried look.

"What's wrong" I asked studying him

"They're coming"he answered calmly. A little to calmly.

"Who?"I creased my eyebrows in confusion

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