Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: Yes we are!!

Isabella's POV


There was nothing but complete silence.

My earlier words hung in the atmosphere like a heavy ton of block as it left a cold feeling behind. My eyes darted between the two guys standing before me anxiously.

"What?" Carter's head snapped in my direction, a mixture of anger and disbelief evident in his beautiful green eyes. There was no ignoring the tension between all three of us at the door and it only seemed as it was increasing by the second. "why?"

"I..I just thought.." I was at a lost for words at the moment. How was I suppose to explain all this to him.

"That what?" he snapped at me angrily turning away from jax to now glare at me. I felt beyond awful standing there in the centre of attention. He waited patiently for my answer as I fumbled nervously with my finger staring at the floor.

"Don't go off on her" Jax's voice surprises me as I look up to see him glaring at Carter "She was just trying to be nice" he defended me. A stir of concern swirled in my stomach as I saw the look Carter was sending him and by the increase in his breathing I knew this was not going to end well.

"You have no fucking say in this" he spat angrily. I cringe at his words, it's been a really long time since I've actually heard him cuss.. And I don't like it, especially with the fact that it's probably my fault that this side of him is coming out. I knew inviting jax here was a bad idea but I just thought maybe they could put the past aside and get rid of whatever hatred they had for each other and just be friends.

But I was just too stupid and naïve to realize that both of them are way to stubborn and full of dignity to ever do something like that. I knew for a fact that jax was definitely not going to apologize to Carter for almost kissing me and without a doubt Carter was not going to let it slide so easily even if he did apologize.

"You don't have the right to tell me what I can and cannot say" jax's voice replied with the same amount of venom in his voice. Carter's hands balled into fist and immediately my pulse quickened, this doesn't look good.

I knew jax could hold his own in a fight but not one against Carter. There was no second thought that Carter would hurt him.. badly if they were ever to end up and up in a fight I couldn't let that happen. Whether jax deserves it for trying to kiss me, knowing that I had a boyfriend in the first place.

I grabbed Carter's hand pulling him away from the door so he was at a good distance away from jax. "Please just go back inside Carter. I'll take care if this"

He tensed at my words"Why?, you want me to leave so he can try to Hit on you again?" The words rolled off his tongue sounding cold and harsh as he glared angrily at me his breathing increasing.

I was shocked and hurt by his words but I needed him to go back inside before this turns into a crime scene. "Carter please "

"No" he said simply"Whatever you want to say to him you can say it with me right here"

"No as a matter of fact I think you should leave" jax piped in confidently. I shot him a glare, he was pushing his luck. He knows what Carter can do to him and yet he's acting this way.

"Say one more word and I will murder you!" Carter flared after him. I grabbed his upper arm using all the strength I had in me to try and pull him away but nothing seems to works as they are now inches away breathing down each other's throats.

Doing the stupidest thing humanly possible at the moment jax pushed Carter's chest away from him.. And just like that everything turn into total chaos.

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