Chapter 27

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I'm in love with the song up above🔝❤😊💯💯🔝

Chapter 27: This Way

Carter's POV

I weakly leaned my back against the white dirt stained solid wall behind me, again trying my best to stay conscious. I hardly slept or ate anything since I got here and I know for sure it's now taking its effects on me. My whole body was racked with excruciating pain from the bad treatment I've received but I could take it. I've been in more situations like this than I could count so I knew how to handle this.

Right now the only true pain that actually hurts the most is the feeling that my princess must be going through hell right now. Just the thought of how she must have reacted when she found out I was gone is  killing me. I literally felt like I was losing every last drop of sanity I had left in me.  I know she can't handle situations like this, she's way too soft and fragile to go through all that confusion and wordiness. I just hope they didn't tell her what we were planning.

Isabella's POV

It was finally time. You could feel the tension in the room from miles away as we went over the basics one last time. This is the first time I've ever felt so nervous, so unsure and scared.. And I  didn't like it. I wasn't use to this.

Usually I'd have someone to comfort me, someone to calm my nerves but the only person who could actually succeed in doing that right now wasn't here. With just one look Carter could make me feel calm and secured, with just one hug he could put my mind to complete peace and with just one kiss he could give me the strength and courage to go through anything,  but I didn't have him to give me all that right now. All I could do was have faith and pray he was okay.

And God knows if jane so much as harms a single hair on his head... Just know she'll be seeing a whole different side of me.. A side no one has ever seen and I plan to keep it that way but if she dares crosses that line..she better prepare to get it, and get it bad.

It was now exactly seven thirty, we all did a prayer and left the house loading into the vans that were parked waiting outside. I was in the van with mell kells and the rest of girls along with jax and Shawn. We were all equipped with numerous weapons and gadgets,  me having the least amount considering I hardly knew how to use any.

Soon, we were the first ones to drive off as the rest followed behind.  All the headlights were dimmed  and there was hardly any sound coming from the engine of the vans, but that took the least of my attention, I was more focused on the fact that we were all about to do something so life threatening and dangerous. Who knows what might happen tonight, we're all just entering into this with faith and hope.

During the long drive no one spoke a single word. we all just sat there, not knowing what was going through each other's minds, Until eventually the van came to a quiet stop. My heart started beating frantically and I felt nauseous again but I had to push those feelings aside, I needed to focus.

We all shared the same 'good luck ' look before we exited the vehicle quietly and found our designated hiding spots. "Isabella " I heard someone whisper call my name. Turning around I was met with emelio


"Whatever you do stay as far away from any danger as possible"he warned looking me dead in the eyes. " I don't think I'd like to know what Carter would do to any of us if he found out you got hurt. Especially with the fact that you weren't suppose to know about any of this.. Okay?"

"okay" I nodded my head frantically.

We waited for about another five minutes before we heard the signal to move out, and just that we did. We all surrounded the warehouse . From front to back and from corner to corner. The whole warehouse was swarmed

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