(4) Your Period- Mike( Imagine)

978 13 6

You groan in pain as you and Mike are laying on the couch.

" Mike. I can't deal with the pain" You say. " I think I am dying. "

He rolls his eyes and smirks. " Wait! Let me go get the blanket. The dryer just finished. It'll be nice and warm." he says with a smile and kisses your cheek.

Mike returns back with a nice hot blanket and wraps you in it.

" It feels so good!!!!!"

Richie bursts out of the closet again. (Boii I swear, he be spying on everyone. )


You and Mike look at eacher, with a what the hell just happened kind of look.

Eddie walks into the room. Takes a breath from his inhaler and then drags, Richie out of the house.

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