you fall

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- Laughs
- "Ha ha look at-"
- Literally falls two seconds later
- " Look whose laughing now"


- You called him noodle head so he pushed you.

- That's how you fell...


-Greta pushed you and so she pushed her and punched her and yeah.
- Asks if you're ok after she helps you up.

- You were running from Henry Bowers and you tripped over a stick.

- Every horror movie character is shook!


- you fell down the stairs
- It was fucking funny af
- Richie was also there.
- He started dying
- Bill glared at him


- You tried dancing for the first time?

- Ben helped you up and cuddled you.

- he made you some tea
( Honestly Ben and tea is like an inside joke now. Zoof)


-You fell while trying to get on one of his horses.

- he tried not to laugh.

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