Chapter 3 - Ill never give up

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Kylo Ren
I've had every possible planet rey could be on searched and yet I still haven found her , I don't understand how she is untraceable, unless ... no she won't be , I refuse to think about the possibility, she could be ... dead
It is a thought that's crossed my mind many times but I refuse to believe it , she's strong she wouldn't died....
I'd like to think I'd have felt it through the force if she had

I know jedi weren't suppose to have attachments but that's the good thing about being a dark side user I guess
And snoke is helping me look for her
I won't give up
I can't give up
She means to much to me
I care to much about her
If she is hurt I'll kill whoever hurt her
In fact when I find Luke skywalker I'll kill him for taking Rey away from me
And to what end
I would have protected her with my life

General Hux walks into my room
" snoke wishes to speak to you kylo "
" I'll be right there" I sigh I hate being dragged away from my search for her
I hear hux snigger behind me
" Something funny general " I wished dangerously low
He stops and smirkes at me mockingly
" you've been looking for that girl for how long " he pauses to count on his fingers six " six year ren and she's probably forgotten who you are or dead " he laughs again and starts to fake cry " don't take her away from me Luke , I love her , that's what I hear when your sleeping, for a dark lord you are pithetic , just give up already " he laughs one more time

I lost it
I couldn't take it
I began to force choke him and lift him slowly off the ground
He starts to look scared
I snarl at him like a wolf
" say something like that and this with go through your skull " I say pointing at my lightsaber

I drop him
" now leave "
He legs it out of the door holding his neck
No matter what he says I'll never give up

Not till I find my rey

My rey of light ......

The force brought us together                      ( Rey x kylo ren )- book two Where stories live. Discover now