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Reys pov

With bb8 on my tail I cautiously took one step down the stairs
Then the crying got worse
I had to help
I quickly glanced behind me ... before racing down the stairs , bb8 trying to get me to slow down so he could catch up
But I couldn't stop or slow down
Someone needed help and I couldn't ignore a plea for help
So I kept going down untill I got as far down till the bottom of the stairs where the crying continues to get louder I look down the corridor I've walked into and see that there's only one door open and walk over and the crying stops
I look inside the door and all I find is a room with lots of box's
I step inside and look around , the only thing other than boxes that was in the room was a smal chest
I step over and kneel down slightly and carfully opened it and inside was a strange handle thing so I reach down to pick it up but I'm thrown to the ground and when I get up I'm not in maz's castle I'm in a long hallway the the walls start twisting down on themselves as I start trying to run and once again I'm thrown to the ground but this time it's raining and I look up to see a cloaked mans put a skeletal hand on a blue and silver droid, then my view changes and I look up and it's raining and everything is dark
I look up to see a strange man in black coverd in a mask stabbing another man with a strange red laser sword and I start to back away but he seems to see me and starts walking towards me but I back away untill i fall out into the hall back at maz's castle
I wipe my eyes to find floods of tears
I sit on the floor and hug my knees to my chest and sob to myself " I shouldn't have gone in then " I whisper to myself " I have to leave" I get up and start to run , away from this fight, away back to jakku .......

The force brought us together                      ( Rey x kylo ren )- book two Where stories live. Discover now