Him ,From the vision

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Rey pov
I ran
I ran out of the castle and past the falcon and into the forest.
It was the first time I'd been in a forest but I couldn't stop to smell the pretty colourful star things I had to run .
The I realised B.B.8 was with me
I told her to go back the rebellion needs her but she refused to abandon me .
So I ploughed on for about five minutes then I heard screaming and when I looked back towards maz's I could see tie fighters and storm trooper ships and I could hear them approaching and talking I each other " Ren wants the girl and the droid" then they walked off
I sorta half hide myself behind a tree for about five minutes just waiting to see what the outcome would be
Then I saw him
The man from vision
He was walking towards us
B.B.8 bleeped saying we should go
But I had to take this man down first
I lifted my blaster and aimed it towards him
I couldn't see his face because of his mask but I could feel him stareing me down
I shot the blaster but he avoided it and pulled out a laser sword thing and as i shot more blaster shots he deflected them all with his sword and I started to back away but I continued to fire
Then suddenly I couldn't move
No matter how hard I tried
Then he spoke , very machinicaly through his mask
" your the scavenger girl I've heard so much about"
The he lifted up his hand and I felt a sharp pain in my head and I saw memories flashing through my head
It stoped and he spoke again " the droid, where is it ? " I didn't answer and he walked round me , and behind me and I felt another sharp pain as everything went black ...

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