It is her , Finally

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Kylo rens pov

I carried her to my ship after telling all troops to fall back , I could just extract the map from her mind .
She looked familiar could she be rey
I'm not going to give up hope
I clutched her in my arms with out realising it .
When we arrived at star killer base I carry her to a holding cell and strap her to this chair in the middle of the room
I decide to look in her mind
Although uncle Luke removed her memories, technically he didn't he just buried them instead , so if I find them she still won't be able to see and remember them but I could figure if she's rey or not
I reach out my hand towards her head and start sifting through her memories I see her crying and waiting for someone
I keep searching until
I finally found something
It's rey
And me
I have finally found my rey of light...

The force brought us together                      ( Rey x kylo ren )- book two Where stories live. Discover now