the Wayne's

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Richard John Grayson - Rachael Mary Wayne (Rae)
Jason Peter Todd - Jasmine Patricia Wayne (Jazz)
Timothy Jackson Drake - Tammy Jackie Wayne (Tam)
Damian Thomas Wayne - Dahlia Martha Wayne (Dahl)

(7:30 AM)

"Wake up!" yelled Rachael

"Do you wanna die?! She'll kill you for sure" said Tam

"Oh shut up, Tam. Jazz loves me" said Rachael

"Sister, do you have a death wish? The zombie will attack your face if you disturb it from its slumber." said Tam

The eldest girl rolls her eyes and hugs her sister's arm.

Tam and Dahlia sigh before shrugging and curling around their big sisters.

30 minutes later..

"Ugh! Again?! Seriously?! Rae, I am going to throw you down the stairs!" Screamed Dahlia

"I JUST WANNA LOVE YOU, Dahl !!!" Screamed Rachael

"We just need cuddles to get through the day" Tam pipes up.

"I do not need such. I was just cold" Dahlia scoffs.

Next day

Another beautiful morning in the manor had greeted Bruce with the sounds of the pots and pans in the kitchen being used while in his bedroom; he heard breathing that wasn't his own. He opened his eyes and turned his head.

"Good Morning, Tati" Rachael smiles, bright and shiny.

"Rae, didn't we have this talk?" said Bruce

"Good Morning, Dad" said Tam sleepily

"Good Morning Tam" said Bruce

"Father, did we disturb you?" said Dahila

"No you didn't, Dahlia. Good Morning" said Bruce

"Who the hell is chirping this early in the fucking morning?" ask Jasmine angrily

"Good Morning to you too, Jazz" said Bruce

10 minutes later....

"Alfie, Bruce is being mean to me." Jazz whines to her grandfather figure who was dusting the living room vase.

"Master Bruce, must you take her comforting pistol shaped pillow?" Alfred sighs, rubbing his granddaughter's back reassuringly.

"She threw it at me yesterday. Alfred, she threw it at me, ran away yelling 'I did it! I killed Batman' " Bruce explains.

"You know she is just expressing herself in a positive manner. It's her therapy pillow."

"Fine. You may take custody of your pillow once more, Jasmine. Throw it at me again and it becomes a pillow for Titus"

"Alfred, you are a godsend. Bless your heart." Jazz cheers before skipping away. Bruce still doesn't understand her mood swings but he's never near a pregnant teenager.

"...#1 reason my daughters are becoming spoiled princesses" He mumbles on his way out the living room.

"I may be old but I am not deaf, Master Bruce. My hearing is sharper than Batman's , may I remind you." Alfred scoffs.

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