Questions Batfamily VS JLA

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Two weeks later ...

Bruce finally gave in to his daughters begging to come with him to the JLA meeting and already regretted giving in because his little girls pulled him into a game of 20 questions with the founding members of the JLA (Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Green lantern\Hal Jordan)

"so what's your native Language's" asked Flash

"Russian Romani" said Rachael
"Spanish" answered Jasmine
"English" said Tammy
"Arabic" replied Dahlia
"English" said Bruce
"Now we want to know what do you fear" ask Rachael smirking and trying not to cackle

The others look at each other than think about what there answer are then they grimace

"Led Luthor becoming President" answer's superman
"Nuclear Bombs" said Green Arrow
"Being stuck in The speed force" replied Flash
"Earth life dying" states Martian manhunter
"The titans escaping their prison in the underworld" said wonder woman
"Black lantern Corp returning from extinction" replies Green lantern

Superman then asked them "what are your hobbies"

"Dancing, Art, and Acrobatics" replies Rachael
"Music, Writing, and Singing" said Jasmine
"Reading, Building, and Drama" answers Tammy
"Drawing, Fencing, and Acrobatics" said Dahlia
"Writing, Reading, and Raising My kids" replied Bruce

Everyone was looking at Bruce and weren't looking away so Bruce asked "Who do you dislike the most"

"Lex Luthor" Answer's Superman
"Professor Zoom" said Flash
"Cheetah" replies WW
"Dark Archer" States GA
"Vandal Savage" answer's MM
"Yellow Lantern's" replies GL (Hal)

They were all frowning after answering they then started to think of there next question and after thinking for three minutes wonder woman says "who are your favorite Partners and your relationships to them"

"Wally as my boyfriend, Artemis as my big sister, M'gann as my other big sister, Roy as best Friend, Kaldur and Conner as my big brother's " says Rachael

"Roy as my boyfriend, Kory as my best friend, and Selina as my mom, you as my aunts and uncles" answer's Jasmine

"Raven as older Sister, Cyborg as older brother, beast boy as little brother, Starfire as best friend" replies Tammy

"Rachael, and Colin Wilkes aka Abuse" says Dahlia

"The JLA as friends and my children" answer's Bruce

Bruce and his family looked at each other before they all smirked evilly while Bruce asked "who are you in love with"

Superman looked blushed answering "Wonder Woman"
"Iris Allen aka my wife" said flash smiling goofily
"Superman"said WW looking at a shocked Superman
"Black Canary" Answers a blushing Green arrow
"Nobody" said MM in monotone
"Guy Gardner" replies GL (Hal)

Martian Manhunter then asked "Who is your favorite person in the family"

"Dahlia is my Favorite" smiled Rachael
"Alfred of course" said Jasmine
"Daddy duh" giggled Tam
"Racheal obviously" Answered Dahila
"Tracheal" mumbled Bruce

Everyone looked at racheal who was giggling mischievously who then asked "What is your most embarrassing secret and don't lie because I know when someone is lying"

"When I was first exposed to Kryptonite and met Lex Luthor" said Superman
"Running into a wall chasing a Rogue" said Flash
"My first time fighting a criminal" Said WW
"My first time using a bow" said GA
"Eating Oreo's for the first time" said MM

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