Truth or Dare with YJ

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Robin was typing on her laptop while her teammates were watching static when Kid Flash jumps off the couch landing next to robin  and hugs her saying "Birdie I'm bored please tell me your done with your 500 page narrative writing homework and you have a idea" robin closed her laptop while giggling she soon calmed down answering "Yes KF I am how about Truth or Dare if not then 20 questions"

Everyone replied "Truth or Dare" they then sat down in this order Red Arrow, Robin, Kid Flash, Kaldur, Artemis, Superboy, Miss M, Zattana, Rocket who also said "Robin you go first since ya came up with the idea first"

Robin smiled mischievously then said "Roy Truth or dare" Roy thought for a minute before answering "Truth" robin cackles then Say's "Roy is it true you are dating Cheshire" Roy gapes at her then blushes answering "Yes I'm dating her" which then causes Artemis to scream "Your dating my sister who is also a assassin are you crazy" Roy blushes replying "maybe but I love her so it's most likely"

Roy then said "Rocket truth or dare" she quickly replied "Um Dare" Roy thought of a dare then saying "I dare you to float upside down and stick your tongue out until Miss Martian's turn but first do Zattana"

Rocket sighed before asking "Zattana truth or dare" Zattana giggled while saying "Dare" rocket smirks and Say's "I dare you to kiss who you have a crush on in the team" Zattana froze then slowly moved toward Artemis and kissing her on the lips then quickly pulled away hearing the Zeta tube say "A06 Zatara" who walked in telling Zattana it was time to go home after they left robin sighed before saying "I also have to head home bye Team and Goodnight my love" before walking through the zeta tube

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