meeting the new little brother

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"Girls, this is your new baby brother, Terry"

the four year old boy hid behind his father's legs as he noticed the four pairs of eyes looking at him strangely.

"Aww, he's so cute and shy" Rae coos, smiling sweetly.

"I wonder if he's learned the Bat glare yet like a certain sister of mine" Tam hums, aloud while taking pictures of Terry's slightly chubby face pressed against Bruce's pants leg.

"Father, this is unacceptable. Take him back along with the receipt for Tammy. I wish to give Colin a bird for his birthday, instead" Dahlia pouts, ducking when Tam throws a shoe at her head.

Terry frowns and lets his bottom lip tremble at the mean words before he looks at the last girl who had beautiful teal eyes. She just looked at him before shaking her head at Dahlia. She looked really warm and nice so Terry slowly approached her cautiously like a kitten discovering a new comfort.

"Up pwease?" he asks, voice squeaky as a chipmunk's but still slightly scared. She sighs loudly as if annoyed but still scoops him up and placed him on her lap. He snuggles against her warm cardigan and smiles. Bruce chuckles softly as Jazz held him like a baby and rolled her eyes playfully when she poked his tummy.

"So when one is carrying a child, one also attracts stray children? Interesting" Dahlia raises a brow.

"Nah, Jazzy is just really a heater when it comes to snuggles" Rae grins proudly as if she had helped with that fact.

"Shut up" Jazz hisses while hugging Terry like a teddy bear.

"And you were worried about not being a good mom? Pfft, you've got Terry cuddling you hardcore. Being a mom is gonna be like walking for you" Tam scoffs.

Terry finally looks at his new sisters confidently as long as Jazz doesn't put him down. At least for a little while.

"Hi Terry, My name is Rae."


"Yep. That's Tam and Dahl. Jazz is the one holding you."

"Jazz, Titi and Doll?"

"Close enough, kiddo" Jazz smirks.

"Good Job, Terry" Tam smiles.

"Meh.'" Dahlia shrugs.

Terry hugs Jazz arm before giggling loudly as he received tickles from his big sisters. Alfred and Bruce took pictures sneakily. Just for the albums. Definitely not to show to Clark, Diana and some other people.

"Daddy" said Terry

"Terry" replied Bruce

"Where's biggest sissy?" said Terry

"Did you ask Alfred?" replied Bruce

"Nope" said Terry

"Try it sometime" replied Bruce

"Big Birdy!" said Terry

"Little Birdy!" yells Rae

Rachael laughs along with Terry and scoops him up to take him outside for his first swimming lesson. Neither of them noticed Dahlia's jealous scowl. It morphed into the legendary Bat glare once the back door was shut.

"What if your face gets stuck like that? Dad will have to buy you a new one"

Dahlia mildly jumps before whirling around to see a big belly and the face of her sister, Jazz. "You've grown. Incredibly. Terry will think you've eaten Pennyworth again" She frowns before poking the belly. "I'll let him believe it so he'll stop trying to eat me. Let the enemy think they've got the upper hand before you strike. With tickles and nap time threats." Jazz shrugs.

"Why does everyone like him so much? It's not fair" Dahlia pouts like a true 11 year old girl in a sunflower dress.

"Because he's small, portable and doesn't have a vagina" Jazz explains.

"So because he has the same qualities as my cat?"


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