Day 3

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I've had so many people leave in my life that I'm at the point where if I have heard that someone is leaving, it's not a surprise. Isn't that sad. 

I hate to watch people that you have known for so long, walk out the door and never look back. It's heartbreaking. Depressing. Sorrowful. Frustrating. 

But one thing I've learned. 

You have to move on.

If you are stuck on all those sad moments in life, you won't have a reason to keep going forward. You will be stuck in a time warp, wondering what happened? 

I do hate it when people leave, or betray you, or anything else to hurt us. But I have learned that it's going to be okay. 

Though life stinks and takes things away from me, I can be okay. After a good cry and ice cream I suppose. 


All Things Came To BeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon