Day 7

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I feel like I'm in a point in life where the big things are going to happen soon, and I have to wait for it to come. 

That may be confusing. 

I haven't had the life changing moments yet like who I will marry and where I will live the rest of my life or what job I will have and yeah. Some of the big things. 

It's like I am almost there... just not quite yet. 

Maybe it will help if I get you know... one of those things that some people have. 

A boyfriend. 

You know what, I hate how my family and friends are like, "Wow you are so pretty and beautiful and I bet you turn heads whenever you walk in a room!" 

Yeah right. 

I get more of the response of "Why is the potato looking at me?!?"

Before you say it, I know. I know my time will come when I meet that perfect guy or whatever and I need to wait. But for real! Maybe because I'm not like other girls??? I'm not a huge makeup person and I have about three hair styles I do for my hair, but, why can't guys look on the inside rather than the outside?

They take a look, and barely think about me. But let me tell them something they don't know about me. 

I play many instruments. Piano for about ten years, any and all percussion instruments for about five years, violin for a year, and the organ for two months. 

I also sing. Am I good? nope. 

I like orchids, and tea, and Smallville. I love coffee, and baked thing fresh from the oven.

I love musicals, mostly the happy ones. 

I am a unique personality waiting to be met under my big eyes. 

Yet they turn away. And go for the girls that are skinny and drop dead gorgeous.


the life

of me. 


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