Day 6

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The trouble with the world today is.... coffee in a cardboard cup. 

Wait... What? 

First off, you have to listen to the song, then come back and read the rest of this. 

It's a cute little song saying that simply the trouble with the world today is coffee in a cardboard cup. I'm sure some of you are like... well, that's kind of dumb. 

Think about it. 

The world is such in a rush. We have to have on demand streaming, food to go, wifi, and many, many other things. If we don't have instant everything, we get upset and anxious. 

I admit, I'm totally guilty of wanting things right away. But to be honest... is it really worth it? 

Of course it's important to have things right away and stuff, but what kind of person does that make us? 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I think every once in awhile we need to take a deep breath as the waitress tells us that our order got screwed up and our food won't come for another 30 minutes. 

Going back to where I work, people want to be checked out and out the door as soon as possible. If not, then they get flustered at you and everyone in the store. 

I have to say, I really do love when I apologize to a customer for the wait as I try to call a manager over to void an item I rang up twice (on accident) and they simply smile and say, "Oh it's okay! I'm in no rush. It is fine, dear." Then I keep saying sorry and they reassure me that it is totally fine. I love those customers. 

I really don't like when a customer gets upset and huffs and puffs, and give me a look of death as I tell them a thousand times that I am very, very sorry. 

It makes one think, you know. 

I needed this reminder today. Sometimes it's okay if you mess things up, or if someone else messes up. We're all human. We don't need everything RIGHT away. We can wait. 

Just think. 

The trouble with the world today, 

Is coffee in a cardboard cup. 


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