Day 4

16 1 2

Ugh. Ugh Ugh Ugh Ugh UGH!!!!

Today is one of those days... where you just ugh. Like maybe I shouldn't have gotten out of bed, and slept in instead. 

I just want a lovely world that only exists over the rainbow. 

If only.... 

I wish I could have fulfilled my ten year old's dream of what I would be like when I got older. You know, you kind of just have a vision of yourself that you want to be. Maybe that's taller, or prettier, or tanner, or I don't know. 

I think I only got a little taller and a whole lot fatter. 

Am I pretty?


Considering I have never had any type of love life.... yeah that can sum it up. 

Basically, I never did become that person I wanted to be as a child growing up. 

If only I could go back and tell myself it didn't matter. The world's opinion didn't matter. 

If only. 


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