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Brendon was infuriated. He walked into the school with Spencer by his side to try and soothe him but it didn't work. He stormed into the class and slammed his books down onto Dallons desk. It definitely got his attention.

"What kind of friend are you?" He spat at the boy sitting in front of him.

"I'm sorry, what?" He looked up.

Brendon towered over him and he was sure people were watching. "You couldn't take an hour of your day to even show up for a second?"

"What are you talking about?"

Brendon recalled his performance and remembered how hurt he was that Dallon didn't show up. And how even more hurt Brendon was to see his Snapchat posts about being bored at home. He scoffed.

"My competition! The thing I wanted you to be at! God I cannot believe you're this heartless and mean to not even apologize for missing it." Brendon was so angry that he even laughed.

"I can't spend every waking moment at your service, Brendon!" Dallon shot back.

The smaller looked at the other in disbelief. "Oh but I can? You treat me like complete shit and-"

"Brendon I think you need to calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down, Spencer." Brendon whispered without losing eye contact with Dallon.

"I'm sorry, what are you talking about?" The taller had a look of confusion and a hint of disgust in the mix of his face. Brendon scoffed again.

"You broke my umbrella!"

"This is not about a stupid umbrella is it?" Dallon stood and crossed his arms, causing Brendon distress in how short he was.

"I go to every single one of your games and tournaments and you can't spare an hour for me!" Brendon said with no hesitation. He planned this conversation in his head. It's almost sad that it's exactly how he knew it would go.

"Nobody asked you to go to all the games!" Dallon shot back in Brendon's direction. They were words Brendon tried to dodge but somehow they hit him right in the chest.

"You're right, I'm an idiot for trying to be a decent friend."

"Gentlemen?" The teacher walked in.

"It's because it's not a sport, isn't it? You think I'm lesser of a human for not being able to run fast or bump up a fucking volleyball!"

"What is going on!"

"I won gold by the way!" Brendon threw the piece of paper at Dallon and walked away.

Dallon looked to the teacher in confusion. He didn't understand fully what just happened, but it was bad enough to earn a head shake from Spencer, who then took the paper and sat in his desk. Pete didn't arrive in time to catch the reason everyone was so quiet.

Better Than Me- BrallonWhere stories live. Discover now