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Two weeks had gone by before Dallon and the school team lost another game. Then they lost another the next week.

Dallon was shocked, actually. Weekly. They have games weekly. And they have lost 5 starting from when Brendon stopped going. Dallon couldn't help but think he had something to do with it.

He shook it off and ran to Spencer before he left.

"Hey, what are you doing tomorrow? Wanna come over and play some pool?" Dallon asked eagerly.

"I can't, Brendon has his piano thing tomorrow."


"I'm not entirely sure what to call it, actually."

Spencer laughed light, shrugging and walked off leaving Dallon standing shocked.

He couldn't believe he'd been left to hangout with Brendon. He chased after Spencer and he didn't quite know what he was going to say.

"We keep losing." He managed to spit out.

"Yeah, I see." Spencer replied effortlessly. "Brendon was your good luck charm."

Dallon stood low, his back hunched as he heard the new theory. He wasnt. He couldn't.

"Brendon over reacted." Dallon said. He rethought his words and came to the conclusion that he is in fact right. He straightened his back and saw Spencer's mad glare.

Spencer finally scoffed and said, "You're idiotic, you know?"

"What are you talking about?" Dallon whisper shouted at Spencer.

"Everybody sees how you treat Brendon. He's at your side every time you need him to be. Not once has he let you down and now you pull this shit, 'I'm not in the wrong!' And 'Brendon was way out of line!'" Spencer mocked, "You're way out of line, Dallon."

"For your information nobody asked him to do anything. He does it all on his own."

"And without him who knows where everyone would be. Geez Dallon are you really this blind? I guess it is true, the only people that don't know Brendon likes Dallon are just Brendon and Dallon." He shook his head and went to walk off again until Dallon stopped him. "You honestly didn't know?"

"I gotta tell him I like him too, right?"

"Are you fucking dense?" Spencer was out of it now, this guy is stupid and making really idiotic calls right then and Spencer had enough. "You know what that'll do to him? Geez have some respect for others. If you do that it'll make it worse."

"Spence, we can't keep losing we need Brendon back!"

"Then maybe be a good friend... Why does your mind go right to lying?" Spencer was full of head shakes and he was sure he's got more to go.

"Why do you think I'm lying?" Dallon pouted. He wasn't exactly sure why he was fighting with him, he didn't care for Brendon that way. Sure, he would be upset if he died but Brendon made the decision to not be Dallon's friend anymore and there's not much he could do but lie.

Spencer put some deep thought into it. There was no telling if Dallon was lying or not. "Do you think of him out of the blue?"


"No you don't. Dal, he only crosses your mind when you need him. If you want to pursue a romantic relationship with him then fine, do it. But build up a friendship first." Spencer motioned to leave but stopped in his tracks. "By the way, he is an excellent piano player. He's definitely going to get gold tomorrow." He left the school, finally getting away from Dallon. He was standing inside with his volleyball uniform on. Spencer couldn't really believe he told Dallon to go for Brendon.



Also idk How posting stuff on my profile works for you guys? Like commenting or conversations or whatever but u guys should talk to me


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